關於Polyu Msc of HR interview

2010-04-06 6:04 pm
小弟報咗polyu既hr master degree,
interview會係點樣既形式(幾長, 問d咩, 中/英, etc)?



先多謝你, 咁即係話一年intake50至60人裡面, 大多都係mature candidates, 而fresh graduates佔好少數?

回答 (2)

2010-04-06 11:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
As you are planning to study for your Masters degree, I guess it is OK for me to answer your question in English and share my experience with you.

When I applied for this programme, I think the deadline of application was the beginning of April and I had an interview in the middle of May.

You will be interviewed by the course coordinator plus another professor. It will be conducted in English and will last no more than 15 minutes.

Here are some standard questions they would like to ask.
(1) Tell us about your work experience.
(2) What do you expect to gain from this programme?
(3) Do you have to make business trips? Are you able to attend the lectures on time (6:30-9:30pm)?

As there is a very large number of applicants, I have heard that there is a written test in recent years (but not in my year).

You will be given a chance to ask questions at the end of the interview.

Competition for a place on this programme is very keen. Most students possess 5 to 10 years of HR working experience because experience sharing in classes is part of the learning process. I am afraid that the chance of a candidate with 1 year of working experience is a bit slim. However, just try your luck. Who knows what will happen this year


2010-04-06 15:50:06 補充:
Please let me know if you have further questions


2010-04-07 14:10:20 補充:
Yes, you are right.

There are full-time MBA programmes in other universities and some students are fresh graduates.

2010-04-07 14:10:57 補充:
This MSc programme in PolyU is part-time and all students have work experience to share with one another. Masters studies are about application and PolyU places a lot of emphasis on experience sharing.

2010-04-07 14:11:13 補充:
It is even better if students are working for major employers such as the Government, HSBC, MTR, CLP, other universities...etc


2010-04-07 14:13:04 補充:
Will reach the maximum word limit here very soon :)
You may send me email for further discussion

2017-02-25 9:18 pm
Polyu Hr

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