
2010-04-06 11:28 am

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回答 (1)

✔ 最佳答案
Hydroxyzine is both an antihistamine and anxiolytic (see below) and its use as a mild tranquilizer
is especially common in dentistry and it retains some popularity in
obstetrics, where for many years it was especially preferred for its
ability to boost the effectiveness of opioids as well as permit later
use of scopolamine or benzodiazepines better than other drugs might.
Hydroxyzine is prescribed when the onset of an organic disease state manifests through anxiety, as general anxiety disorder, or in other more serious cases as psychoneurosis, and is therefore prescribed as a means of regulating normal function. Hydroxyzine has shown to be as effective as the benzodiazepine drug bromazepam in the treatment of generalised anxiety disorder.[2] Hydroxyzine can also be used for the treatment of allergic conditions, such as chronic urticaria, atopic or contact dermatoses, and histamine-mediated pruritus.[1]
These have also been confirmed in both recent and past studies to have
no adverse effects on the liver, blood, nervous system or urinary tract.[3][citation needed]
Use of hydroxyzine for premedication as a sedative has no effects on belladonna alkaloids, such as atropine, but may, following general anesthesia, potentiate meperidine and barbiturates, and use in pre-anesthetic adjunctive therapy should be modified depending upon the state of the individual.[3][citation needed]Hydroxyzine



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