已生育的婦女 英文是什麼

2010-04-06 8:51 am
已生育的婦女 英文是什麼?thx

回答 (8)

2010-04-06 3:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
LOL - 'Have babies' woman'! That is GOLD!

2010-04-06 07:25:50 補充:
In fact, I think 'fertile women' means women who can conceive a child (or children if twins) easily as compared to other women who might have difficulties, not necessarily someone who hasn't given birth yet (or like you said 未生育的婦女).

The closest term I could find is 'multiparae' - a woman who has given birth to more than one child. The opposite is 'primiparae' - a woman who has given birth to her first child.

Otherwise we just called those 'mothers'.

By the way, I'm still laughing at the big, bright red answer!!

2010-04-06 07:26:54 補充:
oh...'-parae' is the plural, ie. women; '-para' is singular
參考: Yours truly
2010-04-06 9:49 pm

已生育的婦女 英文是:

Women with childbearing experience.

參考: myself
2010-04-06 9:05 pm
I am not sure about the technical medical term. As far as I know, there are only fertile and infertile women. It does not matter how many times, zero or three, a woman has given birth, she is still called a fertile woman. If there is really one term for "已生育的婦女", not self-invented, I am happy to learn it.
2010-04-06 7:51 pm


2010-04-06 2:49 pm
a mother? a mother basically means a woman that has given birth to one or more children.

**btw, the answer above is epic! :D
參考: me
2010-04-06 2:45 pm
已生育的婦女 英文是什麼?

Have babies' woman
2010-04-06 9:16 am
a mother?


例:a mother of two/three

a woman who has already given birth.
2010-04-06 9:16 am
已生育過的婦女就叫 mother, 比喻說她已是一子或一女的母親,我們就說 " She is a mother of one." 若說她是生了兩個孩子的婦女就說 " She is a mother of two." 若說 woman 一般即是說三十或以上的女姓, 有沒有生育過的也叫 woman 了, 分別是外表年輕的叫 young woman, 外表老的叫old woman也。
參考: nil

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