
2010-04-06 2:44 am
1) 如成立獨資業務公司,可否同一時間下,經營多項業務如零售、貿易和飲食?

2) 親自到稅務局商業登記署,辦理商業登記時,要帶什麼文件?多少錢?

3) 如收入超過50萬,要報稅,要交捐益表外還有什麼呢?負責人自行填報還是要會計師簽發?

Thank you. 1) 如我肯定年年業務必過50萬元,負責只有我一個,應該申請那一種公司呢?

回答 (2)

2010-04-06 3:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
Yes. But you have to state out your main business for Business Registration. The Business Registration Ordinance requires every person who carries on a business in Hong Kong to apply for business registration within 1 month from the date of commencement of the business, and to display a valid Business Registration Certificate at the place of business. If the registered particulars of the business have changed, the business operator has to notify the IRD in writing within 1 month of the change。

For yearly profits tax return of a sole proprietorship, there is no requirement for an audit report; you can then submit the return by yourself. You have to produce the profit and loss account and balance sheet of the business.

For more details, please go to:


2010-04-10 10:14:56 補充:
If the risk is not high and could all be under your control, it is simple to operate under a sole-proprietor.
2010-04-06 8:51 am
1. 理論上,一個商業登記可以從事多種業務,但係唔同業務會歸入唔同政府部門管理,牌照都可能唔同,而你可能每個業務又會在唔同地方經營,你咪又要攞分行商業登記!合埋祇有一個好處就係唔使分開報,但係總營業額就好易過五十萬─即係要做明細記錄同證明文件!
2. 辦理商業登記要去灣仔稅務大樓四樓先填妥表格1(a),連同身分證副本一份,要先遞交申請表,然後決定自己俾一年登記費定三年一次過俾!以依家財政司咁鍾意派糖,你都係逐年俾好啦!今年收費$450!
3. 你可以上稅務局網頁:www.ird.gov.hk/chi/pdf/pam56c.pdf內第二同第三條就係你要嘅答案!你唔一定要搵會計師做,不過如果你真係未做過,有人幫你做第一年然後你跟住做好過做到錯咗然後叫人同你執手尾!
參考: www.ird.gov.hk

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