English Poems 急!!!!!!!!!15點

2010-04-05 7:00 am
急要一篇poem, 要有4節, 要押韻, F.1 程度

1. friendship or
2. family or
3. dreams or
4. family



sorry, 係"唔要自己作"



回答 (3)

2010-04-05 7:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
The Dummy
by Michael Mack
In that forgotten part of town
Where wasted hopes and dreams abound,
A wrinkled man with life near end,
In hopes to have at least one friend,
Fashioned bits of wood and things
And made a dummy run by strings.

He sat alone for hours on end,
Conversing with his only friend
And found delight within the fact
That he controlled it's every act.
He told it how he never had
A chance, since all his luck was bad
Although he'd tried so to succeed -
The dummy nodded and agreed.

And how his journeys in romance
Had never given him a chance,
And wasn't it a crying shame
That he was always held to blame
When everyone knew, oh so well,
That life is but a living Hell,
Controlled by lust and power and greed?
The dummy nodded and agreed.

With patience that would rival saints,
That dummy sat through all complaints
And, with each little expert tug,
He'd droop his head or bow or shrug
And give some comfort to the man
Who held his lifelines in his hand
And helped to fill a lonely need
When he just nodded and agreed.

Senility increased with time
As did the old man's phantomime,
And feverish fingers pulled with glee
The dummy's dance of misery.
They never left each other's side
Until the day both stopped and died.
We found them lying, hand in hand,
The dummy - and his wooden friend.
2010-04-05 5:05 pm

都唔明你想講乜 (點解复個先字?)



-想人同你揾一首poem, 比埋作者名

- 同上,如冇,先至自己作

2010-04-05 09:06:35 補充:
2010-04-05 9:26 am



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