f.2英文(because同because of等等)

2010-04-04 9:47 pm
我想問because同because of係有咩分別同點用?
because of係noun phrase同pronoun
咁noun phrase同pronoun係點解?
I enjoy my work because I can help poor people.
Many children from poor families can get an education because of your donation.
仲有Be used to又應該點用?

回答 (4)

2010-04-05 12:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
例如:because i love you..
旦系你吾會話:because of i love you..
而because of..之後加既野一定一定一定系he she it 等等..多數系人名..人稱..

hope 同埋 wish 仲易分...
hope 只系講一d我好希望發生既野..
例如: i hope i can be a teacher when i grow up...
又例如:i wish i can watch this film on tv.. but now the film is already finish..

hope形容既只會系好小既事... 多數都系講緊將來/未發生既..

姐系.. 如果當初我點點點.. 我就可以點點點喇!!!

2010-04-05 7:32 pm
004已經解釋了because及because of 之用法分, 那我便不重覆了, 唯一要更正的是used to 或 am used be之意

used to do something 即以往常做之事, 但現在已沒有做

I used to paly mahjong but I abstain from that now
我以前常打麻雀, 現在已戒掉

be used to + noun phrase 意思是習慣於某一事情, 但並沒有過去之意味
I am used to her nagging me 我習慣了她對我的嘮叨
I am used to getting up early morning 我習慣了早起
留意一點, be used to 後面是跟noun phrase,所以動詞是要轉為gerund (動名詞)
2010-04-05 5:21 pm
‘Because’ is a conjunction that links two sentences. ‘Because of’ is to provide elaboration to the sentence before it. The sentence structure is
Sentence + because of + an object/event.
I am here because I want to be winner.
I am here because of the championship

The difference between hope and wish can be recognised from their Chinese explanations.
Generally speaking, hope is an expectation for the future.
I hope that I will be the winner.

Wish has three uses.
Firstly, it is used to express some regret for things happened/ had not happened in the past. You don’t like the event but you could not avoid it.
I wish I had not met her. (She made you unhappy (or even harmed you) so you do not want to ever meet her. It is not possible because this event had happened in the past.)

I wish I had studied hard for the examination. (You were lazy in preparing your examination and you got a poor result. You wish to be diligent during the examination but it is impossible now).

Secondly, wish is to express an unrealistic imagination
I wish I were wealthy. (You are a poor person, but you dream to be a rich man which is impossible)

Thirdly, wish is to express an order.
I wish you will keep quiet. (You better keep quite or you will be punished).

‘used to’ is to express an existing or past habit.
I was used to read books everyday (You read books everyday in the past but you no longer have this habit).

I am used to wake up before 7 a.m. (You wake up before 7 a.m. everyday now.)
2010-04-05 4:59 pm
because is followed by a SENTENCE. eg above "i can help poor people"
because of is followed by NOUN eg above your DONATION
or PRONOUN EG i lost because of YOU.

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