
2010-04-04 4:08 am


本人响之前做間銀行有15年經驗, 最近辭左職, 本人响銀行做過唔同嘅部門, 銀行知識豐富, 可以應付日常工作, 希望可以比機會我嘗試新工作.


回答 (2)

2010-04-05 1:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
[Address in a few lines]

[Phone no.]
[e-mail address]

Personnel Manager,
Personnel Department
ABC Bank,
[Address in a few lines}

Dear Sirs,
Application for the Post Teller (Yr. Ref. [ ])

With reference to your advertisment on [name of newspaper]/[webiste if you find the advertisement on internet] dated [date]. I would like to apply for the post of teller.

I have 15 years of working experience in the banking industry. I worked in various departments o f XYZ bank from [year] to [year] in XYZ bank and as [state the posts], details of which are shown in my curriculum vitae.attached. I resigned from XYZ bank on [date] so as to [give reasons here].

With my extensive knowledge of banking work, I am confidnet that I am the right person you want.

My curricum vitae is attached for your consideration. I shall be avaiilabe for an interview at any time you want.

Yours faithfully


Note ;

1. You need to fill in the data in [ ].
2. The answer provided by 001 is very poor. You are suggested to choose my answer of to wait for a better one so as to impress your propestive employer.

2010-04-09 11:23:22 補充:
Sorry. Words "in XYZ bank and" in second line of second paragraph are redundant and should be deleted. The correct sentence should be
'...from [year] to [year] as ...'

Besides, your contact details should be at the right hand side and the title 'Applicaiton for ..' should be in the middle.

2010-04-09 11:29:36 補充:
The grammar of 001 is terrible. If you adopt his answer for your job application, the boss will just throw it into a rubbish bin. You should either choose my answer or to wait for a even better one because there are many knowledgeable persons willing to help.

2010-04-09 11:30:29 補充:
By the way, don't blindly believe those experts (masters, doctors, experts) because many of them are poor in English themselves.
2010-04-04 7:10 am
我想求職信應寄往人事部經理(personnel manager)的,信封也要寫
The Personnel Manager,
The Personnel Department,
XXXX Bank Ltd. 以下是依你原意的例信如下:

The Personnel Manager,
The Personnel Department,
XXXXX Bank Ltd.(銀行名,留意每間的英文公司稱號不同)

Dear Sir/ Madam,
Kindly take this letter as my formal application for a job in
your Bank. I am well acquainted and experienced in banking as I had been
working fifteen years at different departments in XXXX Bank(以前工作的銀行
名)until I resigned from my job recently.
I have full confidence in my competence to handle all work
that falls within the scope of my responsibility. I do sincerely hope I shall be able to work in your Bank and thus your kind consideration for my application will be much appreciated.

Yours respectfully,
參考: common English

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