
2010-04-03 9:21 am
A brand-new bottle was introduced in 2002, which marked a new page for the local bottled water industry.

1.WHICH 係指2002,定係A brand-new bottle
2.依句有冇文法錯誤,平時老師教係寫成"A brand-new bottle,which marked a new page for the local bottled water industry,was introduced in 2002."


2.例句有冇文法錯誤,因為平時老師教係寫成"A brand-new bottle,which marked a new page for the local bottled water industry,was introduced in 2002.",個which係跟住你想形容既noun後面

回答 (4)

2010-04-04 7:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
A brand-new bottle was introduced in 2002, which marked a new page for
the local bottled water industry.

1. Which 在這句並非指2002或a brand new bottle,而是整句“A brand new bottle was introduced in 2002“的意思。

2. 你所寫的一句沒有文法問題,但意思跟原句有別。因為which在a brand new bottle之後,所以只可以是指a brand new bottle。意思上,這句沒有原句的好,因為集中點只是在個瓶子(樽),缺少了推出(introduced)和年份(2002),relative clause中的marked a new page的說服力便大大減弱了。

John is coming to town next week, which is what I have been longing for.
2010-04-05 9:46 pm
I depends on where you put the 'which' . The "which" in this sentence refers to the whole event, i.e. 'A brand-new bottle was introduced in 2002'.

The sentence may also be improved as follows:

'A brand-new bottle was introduced in 2002, which turned a new page for the local bottled water industry. '

What your teacher taught is grammatically correct, but the "which" refers to 'a brand-new bottle'. However, I prefer writing as follows:

'A brand-new bottle,which signified/represented a new page of the local bottled water industry,was introduced in 2002. '

The reason for the amendment is that a dead object (i..e a brand-new bottle here) cannot take an action (to mark) but can be used to represent something.

Be careful of the position of putting your word to avoid deterioration in the meaning

一個全新的瓶於 2002年推出,標誌著一個新的頁面為本地瓶裝水工業。

那一個係指 2002年,定系一個全新的瓶




2。依句有冇文法錯誤,平時老師教系寫成“一個全新的瓶子,這標誌著一個新的頁面為本地瓶裝水行業,於 2002年推出。”


2010-04-03 4:58 pm
I depends on where you put the 'which' . The "which" in this sentence refers to the whole event, i.e. 'A brand-new bottle was introduced in 2002'.

The sentence may also be improved as follows:

'A brand-new bottle was introduced in 2002, which turned a new page for the local bottled water industry. '

What your teacher taught is grammatically correct, but the "which" refers to 'a brand-new bottle'. However, I prefer writing as follows:

'A brand-new bottle,which signified/represented a new page of the local bottled water industry,was introduced in 2002. '

The reason for the amendment is that a dead object (i..e a brand-new bottle here) cannot take an action (to mark) but can be used to represent something.

Be careful of the position of putting your word to avoid deterioration in the meaning.
2010-04-03 10:38 am


A brand-new bottle was introduced in 2002, which marked a new page for the local bottled water industry.

1.WHICH 係指2002,定係A brand-new bottle

此處的which係指A brand-new bottle。



2.依句有冇文法錯誤,平時老師教係寫成"A brand-new bottle,which marked a new page for the local bottled water industry,was introduced in 2002."


參考: 安卡

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