18. Which of the following statements is
A. The shape of the roller coaster track in the
middle part will not affect the speed of the
cart at the lowest position.
B. A swinging pendulum eventually stops
because energy is dissipated.
C. A ping-pong ball released from a height h
can never bounce to a height higher than h
whatever the initial speed of the ball.
D. A ping-pong ball released from rest at a
height h will not bounce to a height higher
than h.
22. P and Q are two parallel straight wires carrying
equal currents flowing out of the paper. R is
equidistant from P and Q, and carries current
flowing into the paper. What is the direction of
the resultant force acting on R by P and Q?
23. A ball of mass 3 kg released from rest at a height of
2 m. It hits the ground and rebounds to a height of
1.8 m. Calculate the amount of energy dissipated
in the process.
A. 1.5 J
B. 1.2 J
C. 0.6 J
D. 0.7 J