
2010-04-03 4:54 am
The boss will offer Gordon a substantial promotion if he ------- to be more tactful
during business meetings.

(A)will learn (B)had learned (C)should learn (D)were learning

為什麼答案是A~~~ 請大家幫幫忙

回答 (10)

2010-04-03 6:18 am
✔ 最佳答案

The boss will offer Gordon a substantial promotion if he ------- to be more tactful during business meetings.
(A)will learn (B)had learned (C)should learn (D)were learning
正解: (A)will learn
樓上回答者並沒有說到重點, 這題不是考時態, 而是考語氣.
主句The boss will... :看到這個will就知道是直說語氣的條件句.
(B)had learned是與過去事實相反的假設語氣, 主句須搭配would/could/should/might + have PP才相符.
(C)should learn是未來可能的假設語氣, 主句雖可搭配will, 但語意不合.
(D)were learning是與現在事實相反的進行式假設語氣, 主句須搭配would/could/should/might + V原式才相符.
只有(A)是直說語氣, 故為正解.

2010-04-03 16:44:18 補充:
Lisa, 這個空格填learns或will learn都對(可惜沒有learns選項). if子句以現在式代替未來式是可以且常見的, 但卻並不是非代替不可, 所以只能選will learn.
should learn是「萬一學到」, 老闆是要看他的表現, 學到某事是靠「萬一」的, 還可以用來升職嗎? 這是不合邏輯的語意, 所以should learn是錯誤的.

2010-04-07 18:02:56 補充:
changchi大雖然說得很多, 但有些觀念並不正確.
1) 未來的一個期間是可以用during的.
e.g. Prince Charles will show up during the football match of next Tuesday.
2) 數個不同的期間是可以用during的.
during A period, B period, and C period = during A, B, and C periods.
所以during business meetings是正確的.

2010-04-07 18:03:10 補充:
3) >>這個問題的during不是在談未來也不能用來假設未來
沒聽過這種說法. during只是單純的指一個期間之中, 不論是現在、過去、未來, 也不論是現實或假設都可以用.
不論怎麼掰, If, will, during放在一起是不會起衝突的.

2010-04-07 18:10:51 補充:
本句的意思是: 如果戈登能在(未來的)眾多生意場合期間學習得更加幹練的話, 老闆將會提供給他顯著的升職.
既合理又順暢, 英文原句的文法沒有錯誤, 是changchih大想太多了.

2010-04-13 11:59:13 補充:
請問changchih你飆完了沒有? 會發飆顯示你的見解可能有弱點需要掩飾.
要例子是嗎? 我就隨便舉一個:
If you will show up during the party of next Saturday, I will as well.

If, will, during怎不能共用?
你可不能把will show的will拿掉喔, 意思可不一樣.
即使你寫過1000次5000字以上的英文論文, 錯誤的論點不會變成對的.
即使你搬出英國女王或首相, 一個句子不能有兩個will的謬論也無法漂白的.

2010-04-13 12:10:06 補充:
whether if....., or if....., and that....
只是討論, 別飆喔!

2010-04-13 12:47:37 補充:
it would be grateful and I look forward to hear from you
有兩個文法大錯誤, 要是說出來恐怕又會惹火你.

2010-04-13 13:48:24 補充:
>這個在英文我們叫做linguistic ambiguity

這哪有什麼linguistic ambiguity? 別亂套用語言學術語好嗎?
應稱作stubborn ambiguity吧? 版主的句子明明是說未來的是, 應理解成已發生過的事情, 這還不是stubborn ambiguity嗎?
不過, 把原句改寫為過去相反的假設語氣當然是可以的, 這是另一碼事.

2010-04-16 10:38:31 補充:
所謂一個If句子不能用兩個will, 這是只知其一不知其二.
表純未來的條件句, 常以現在式代替未來式, 這個沒錯, 但非必須;
表意志的條件句, 則仍可用"If S will... , S will"這樣兩個will的表達.
這一點Changchih沒有參透, 他那兩位英國同學亦然.

2010-04-16 10:51:40 補充:
隨便用"If he will * will"帶引號google一下, 可得237,000,000例, 雖然網路上的句子未必可靠, 但Changchih你和你的英國朋友要否定兩億多例嗎? 別鬧了, 用飆英文也無法掩蓋這種見解的弱勢的.
參考: 深耕英文文法
2010-04-16 8:51 am
The boss will offer Gordon a substantial promotion if he ------- to be more tactful during business meetings.
(A)will learn (B)had learned (C)should learn (D)were learning

正解: (A)will learn

如果有答案(E)learns. (A)will learn 和(E)learns 同樣是正確的.


2010-04-16 00:56:58 補充:
條件句一型:陳述語氣 (多數為現在假設式)

條件句二型:不可能成為事實的現在或未來 (過去假設式)

條件句三型:未曾成為事實的過去 (過去完成假設式)

If you have finished eating you may leave the table.

(你如果吃完了,就可以離席。) – 條件句一型 (現在意料的情況)

If she comes tomorrow, she’ll… (她可能會來,也可能不會來) – 條件句一型 (未來可能發生的事情)

2010-04-16 01:02:18 補充:
If you learned to use a computer, you would easily find a job.

(如果你學會電腦,就容易找工作了。) – 條件句二型 (非事實的現在)

If he had known yesterday, he would have done something about it.
(他昨天如果知道,應該做些處理才對。) – 條件句三型 (非事實的過去)

2010-04-08 10:38 am
2010-04-05 4:33 pm

The boss will offer Gordon a substantial promotion if he ------- to be more tactful
during business meetings.

關鍵不在於the boss will
關鍵在於during business meetings

during - 的意思: at some point in a period of time 在…期間的某個時候


business meetingS - 沒有指定那一個特定的會議, 也就是說它在說所有的會議
用during 文法就不對了
during the year, I will be playing basketball
during business meetings 是會議(進行)中

重點來了. the boss 都不知道Gordon在business meetings的表現如何, 哪來的offer a substantial promotion?
the boss一定是有看過gordon在business meetings的表現才會說
他要是學to be more tactful, 我(the boss) will offer him a substantial promotion
所以問題的during business meetings是過去已發生的事情怎麼會用will learn?
will 和 during 起衝突

正確文法: The boss would have offered Gordon a substantial promotion if he (B) had learned to be more tactful during business meetings
翻成中文: 老闆會有給高登做升遷如果他有能夠在會議中學老練一點

用would have 跟had learned才是正確的因為它是during
是指一個期間的某個時候, 是已經發生的事情
已經進行中的事, 哪來的will learn?
事情結束就是had learned
但是the boss will offer不能跟had learned 放在一起

結論: 你要拿分的答案是A, 我也不知道為什麼是A, 這個問題的文法本身就是錯的, A, B, C, D都是錯的, 建議去跟你的老師抗議!
你可以拿我寫的去給他看, will 和 during 起衝突
正確文法: The boss would have offered Gordon a substantial promotion if he (B) had learned to be more tactful during/in business meetings

就像意見欄放的the boss will offer Gordon a subsantial promotion, if he learns to be more tactful in/during business meetings.

if you learn during the lesson, then you will pass
if you will learn during the lesson, then you will pass - bad english
will 和 during 起衝突

if you will learn in the lesson, then you will pass - bad english
if you learn in the lesson, then you will pass

2010-04-05 08:43:03 補充:
If will during 放在一起衝突
will 跟during理論上沒衝突

是if will和during放在同一個句子起衝突

2010-04-05 09:11:36 補充:

是in business meetings
不能用during business meetings
可以用during a business meeting
business meetings 是很多個分散的meeting
a meeting才是有一個期間
除非all meetings will last for an hour 就可以用 during that hour
a 10 minute meeting, and during the 10 minutes

2010-04-13 19:50:46 補充:
whether if....., or if....., and that....
whether... or... is similar to either... or
both "if"s are setting up two conditions
"whether" here does not mean "if"
"and that..." here sets up another condition
Therefore, there is nothing wrong with the grammar
參考: 英國碩士生
2010-04-04 12:33 pm
的確是[learns]與[wiill learn]都可以, 但是並非取代與否的問題, 而是表達的語意不同.

2010-04-04 04:33:57 補充:
The boss will offer Gordon a substantial promotion if he [will learn] to be more tactful during business meetings.
如果他[有心/願意]學習, 讓言行更得體...
The boss will offer Gordon a substantial promotion if he [learns] to be more tactful during business meetings.

2010-04-04 04:37:25 補充:
所以前面的will(The boss will ...)跟後面的will(if he will ...)有不同的含意.
2010-04-03 8:23 am
2010-04-03 7:32 am
2010-04-03 6:43 am
A 應該是錯誤的答案,因為if子句不宜用未來式(will+本動詞)。所以我認為若一定要四選一,C的答案比較正確。如果這題是填充題的話,

2010-04-07 21:49:04 補充:
大家都對這個題目本身的正確性存有很大的疑問,或許爭論下去也無解。是否有人可以問問native speakers怎麼看這題。
2010-04-03 5:06 am
敏敏 您好 ~~~

The boss will offer Gordon a substantial promotion if he ------- to be more tactful during business meetings.

整句的意思是︰老闆將來會給 Gordon 可觀的推介,如果他「???」能夠在商業會議言行得體。


Boss 將來會給 Gordon 一些獎勵,但理應 Gordon 都應該做一點實際行動來取得 Boss 的獎勵吧 ~~

現在的 Gordon,應該就是欠缺了 tatcful 這種特徵,否則 Boss 亦不會有這樣的獎賞吧……

這樣一解,Gordon 必先在之後的日子(future tense) 中言行得體,Boss 在將來才會給他獎勵吧!

所以答案為 A,will learn。

希望可以幫到您 ~~~~~
參考: Yogi
2010-04-03 5:02 am

2010-04-02 21:03:08 補充:
參考: 我, 我

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