
2010-04-01 11:05 pm
舖頭結業, 會移遷到另一地址的另一公司繼續營業,
如下 :




移遷同搬遷係咪一樣叫Removal Notice?

回答 (2)

2010-04-02 10:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Removal Notice

This is to notify that xxx company has removed to xxxx and continued its business in the name of yyy company. OR

Please be informed that xxx company ... OR

xxx company has removed ...

(A company is treated as a person and therefore can move by itself but not to be moved by others).

For intererst sake, you may wish to note the mistakes made by 001.

RELOCATION (REMOVAL is better ) NOTICE: (the ': ' is redundant )

This is to notice (notify should be used, notice something means you observe something ) that the XXXX Company have been relocation (relocation is a noun, a verb such as 'removed' or 'relocated' should be used) to (if relocated is used, 'at ' should be used ) XXXXXXXXXXXX address (the word 'address is redundant because XXXX XXX is an address ) and the new Company name have renamed (the new company already has a new name and cannot be renamed, perhaps renamed to YYY company ) to XXXXXXXXXX for continuous work ('to continue its business' should be used ) .

Hope that the above sharing is helpful to 001 as well.
2010-04-01 11:31 pm

This is to notice that the XXXX Company have been relocation to XXXXXXXXXXXX address and the new Company name have renamed to XXXXXXXXXX for continuous work .
參考: 自己

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