Turn out and Turn out to be?

2010-04-01 10:47 pm
Hi bros,

What is the difference between them?
Also, I wonder if 'things turn out differently' and 'things turn out differnt' are the same?


回答 (3)

2010-04-02 1:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
turn out 除了解作「結果」,還可以表示「事情的發展」和「產生出來」,跟adv都可以。

turn out to be 跟住要adj.

things turn out well.
things turn out to be good.

I turn out to be a XXX person/a doctor
但不能I turn out XXX person/a doctor.

Turn out differently跟Turn out different跟Turn out to be different當然沒有分別,因為個different/differently都是adj.只是語氣上的分別:
Turn out differently有點慨嘆 (exclamation)
Turn out different是表達客觀事實 (statement)
Turn out to be different是表達主觀引證(confrimation)


2010-04-02 10:58 pm
"Turn out" has many meanings (Source : Wiktionary)

(intransitive, idiomatic) To result; end up.

I had hoped our first meeting would turn out better.
(intransitive, idiomatic) to attend; show up

Hundreds of people turned out to see the parade..
(transitive, idiomatic) To extinguish a light or other device

Turn out the lights before you leave.
(intransitive, idiomatic) To become apparent or known, especially (as) it turns out

It turns out that he just made a lucky guess.
(transitive, idiomatic) To produce; make.

The bakery turns out three hundred pies each day.
(intransitive) To leave a road.

Turn out at the third driveway.
(transitive) To turn or rotate outwards or out of something.

Turn out the dough onto a board and shape it.
(transitive, idiomatic) To refuse service or shelter; to eject or evict.

The hotel staff hastened to turn out the noisy drunk.
For the purpose of compariing 'turn out' and 'turn out to be', use of the first definitiion of 'turn out' (i.e. to indicate a result) is more appropriate.

The sentence structures are as follows:

... turns out + comparative adj. (e.g better, worse,different, smaller, larger, ...)
e.g. His work turns out good. The result turns out different. (The sentence 'Things turn out differently (differently is an adverb)' is therefore wrong.)

... turns out to be + object
e.g. Obama's decision to exploit offshore oil fields will turn out to be a disaster.

2010-04-02 12:46 am

Things turn out differently 和 Things turn out different 亦是。

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