S3 physics internal energy

2010-04-01 9:35 pm
The coffee in a large pot and the coffee in a cup are of the same temperature. Which one contains more internal energy?


回答 (3)

2010-04-01 9:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The coffee in the large pot possesses more internal energy.

Coffee in the large pot contains more number of molecules. Since both pots are at the same temperature, each molecule in the coffee has the same amount of internal energy. Hence, the sum of energy of all molecules in the coffee in the large pot is clearly more than that in the cup.

The heat content of an object is exhibited by the kinetic and potential energies of molecues. It is therefore more precise by referring to the internal energy rather than vaguely as heat.

2010-04-09 12:28 pm
Internal energy =Kinetic energy + Potential energy

在large pot 和cup裡,每一個份量的coffee,由於state和temperature一樣
所以internal energy一樣

但是由於 mass (volume) of coffee in a large pot 多過coffee in a cup
所以internal energy of coffee in a large pot 加埋多D

Ans: The coffee in a large pot contains more internal energy

要有energy transfer(change of temperature)先有'heat'
你可以參考'heat gain' 'heat loss',
要有'heat gain' 'heat loss'先有heat
參考: 中六程度的我
2010-04-04 12:08 am

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