
2010-04-01 9:14 am

butget所限...得2-3k....買邊隻牌子好?? 同埋買個陣點check/點揀支好d呢....我想用一直學上去架..
(其實我係想買支二手既...第時有錢就買支靚d, 但搵唔到)

同埋又有分Eb同Bb既管, 咁究竟係買邊隻呢??

單簧管有冇分size? (好似小提琴個d咁1/2,3/4咁)


回答 (5)

2010-04-05 12:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Your budget is 2-3K, I suggested you purchase Yamaha YCL 250. It really suitable for beginner. Don't believe other unknown brand as most of them are made in China. Even YCL 250 is also made in China, but the quality still better than others.

About the reed, you can try Rico or Vandoren.

Trust me, don't buy such rubbish Clarinet if you never heard their brand name. Don'y waste your money! You should go to Txx Lxx to get one. Also, you should buy with your friend/teacher. Let them test the clarinet. Just "LOOK" and "TOUCH" can't test the instrument. If no friend go with you, you can ask the staff test for you.

Buffet is a good brand of Clarinet. Buy one Buffet wood clarinet may spend you at least 10K!

A beginner should begin from Bb clarinet. I don't think a teacher will ask you start from Eb Clarinet. First of all, Eb Clarinet is small than Bb but the skill to play is more difficult. And the range is different.

Ask your teacher first. But still remember, don't buy other clarinet who claimed that made in USA / Germany / Japan. All of them are made in China! And the quality are very very bad !!!!!!
參考: I play woodwind over 22 years.
2013-06-11 1:10 am
"Parkland Music音樂課程,由星級歌手/樂手親身教授, 過百名精英導師團隊,陣容龐大! 優良的環境,優質的導師, 提供結他、打鼓、唱歌、聲樂、鋼琴、作曲、錄音、填詞、小提琴、大提琴、色士風、長笛等,最全面的音樂課程。"
2010-04-02 8:30 am
yamaha 會比較適合初學者


要睇下d制有冇鬆到 其實最好自己吹黎試試(自帶吹咀
如果仲未識吹既 咁都只可以睇下d制有冇鬆到

因為多數concert band or Orchestra 都係用Bb

係one size

新買一支佢會比一塊簧片你 係跟埋落個吹咀到
如果果塊爛左 就要去買過一盒新既
(大陸貨就會平d 1百內 不過佢d簧片吹既時候
唔知點解成日會有d小支支野"吉"到個嘴 有次仲比佢搞到我流左少少血)
2010-04-01 11:40 pm
tel: 24425678
2010-04-01 9:30 am
Yamaha C100 $2475通利 膠制的 木制會更貴 單簧管1size的
我是xxx學校wind band 成員band中多用Bb
同埋買個陣點check 這問題 其實你買個陣check 下d 掣鬆不鬆 靈活度 掣後有些木松 看有冇甩

2010-04-01 01:35:24 補充:

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