
2010-04-01 7:32 am
想請問各位, 如果小弟計劃在今年秋季(即9月)入U, 現在還趕得到嗎? 因為我想待AL Result出咗先連埋一次過寄。
如果不能,讀Community College趕得到嗎?
另外, 我想問過去要考Toefl and SAT嗎? 好多老師都話過去要考Toefl and SAT 1, 但我見我D同學好似什麼都唔使考, 就可以走過去。

回答 (4)

2010-04-01 3:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
想請問各位, 如果小弟計劃在今年秋季(即9月)入U, 現在還趕得到嗎? 因為我想待AL Result出咗先連埋一次過寄。

You can apply for "Conditional offer", if you do it now, you will probablymakeit, you will need more doco than you apply thru normally tho. You will need an estimate of AL result from your school, and a lot of in school report. Ittakes some time to gether all those things.

如果不能,讀Community College趕得到嗎?

You can apply Community College thru your High School Cert. That way it's easier but it take longer for you to enrol in Uiversity.

另外, 我想問過去要考Toefl and SAT嗎?

You will need TOEFL for sure, no matter what you do, you only need SAT if you study something like
1.) Medical Science
2.) Course that require subject not on your AL list
3.) If you fail either Maths, or Sciences Subject in AL
4.) Depends on School, they can require you to take SAT regardless of your AL result.
2010-04-01 7:52 pm
美國一線大學都已截止本年秋季入學的申請,但二三線大學很多都是五月才截止。如真的想今秋入學,可申請這些學校。美國二線大學都讀,入讀後如果成績好,亦可申請轉校。但 TOEFL 一定要。

你要馬上上 internet 找學校、網上報名、報考 TOEFL、叫學校寄中學及會考成績。有些學校會要求你作一篇文,寫為何要揀他們。

我認為趕得切的話,始終入正式大學好過入 community college。

2010-04-01 12:09:49 補充:
2010-04-01 9:04 am
If you want to be admitted for this Fall 2010 for community college, you have to act now.

You are too late for 4-year university.

Depends on what kind of school you are applying, SAT may be optional.

But TOEFL is required always.
2010-04-01 7:50 am

如果你想直接申請大學,就應該要考TOEFL and SAT,
截止日期要查返該學校網址,等唔等埋AL result都係睇返application due date而定

如果報community college,就唔駛考SAT和不需要AL result,因為佢地只要求你中學畢業 (your secondary school diploma),TOEFL都唔需要,但考左好少少,因為你申請student visa時,d美國領事館可能會留難你話你英文唔掂,唔批比你,咁你有TOEFL的話,都叫有d證明

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