
2010-04-01 6:29 am
第一次自己PLAN 去EUROPE !前後11﹣13日左右...
請教如何從瑞士往巴黎,應在ZURICH 走 OR 去日內瓦?以及行程應如何安排?

1st UK
2nd UK -> SWISS SWISS(3days , 2nights)
3rd Swiss ->Paris Paris (4days, 3nights)
4th Paris -> London London (2 days, 1night)
5th London -> HK


第一次自己PLAN 去EUROPE !前後11﹣13日左右... 請教如何從瑞士乘火車往巴黎,應在ZURICH 走 OR 去日內瓦?以及行程應如何安排? 大概希望在瑞士停3天在到巴黎玩4天,再返倫敦2天,最後回香港 1st UK 2nd UK -> SWISS SWISS(3days , 2nights) 3rd Swiss ->Paris Paris (4days, 3nights) 4th Paris -> London London (2 days, 1night) 5th London -> HK 萬分感謝!!!!!!!!

回答 (4)

2010-04-02 5:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
You can take the train from Geneva to Paris, a journey that only takes about 4 to 4.5 hrs. The train gets you to Gare de Lyon, which has a metro station that will connect to the rest of the city, very convenient.

Unless you buy an open-jaw ticket, which allows you to fly into London, and out from Zurich, otherwise you will have to include one budget airline flight. If you have an open jaw ticket, then your route can be:

HK - London - Train to Paris - Train to Geneva - Train to Zurich - HK (or the opposite direction)

Route including a budget airline flight is similar:

HK - London - Train to Paris - Train to Geneva - Train to Zurich - Budget flight to London - HK

There's not much you can do about the route - but do take the train from Geneva to Paris - the one from Zurich to Paris is around 7 to 8 hrs.

Have fun!


HK - Zurich - Train to Geneva - Train to Paris - Train to London - Budget flight to Zurich - HK
參考: Yours truly
2010-04-05 5:53 am
係瑞士(Bern)坐火車去巴黎只係四個半小時. 蘇黎世或日內瓦我想應該差不多吧!
2010-04-01 7:00 am
2010-04-01 6:32 am

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