BNO 護照 - 英國流學

2010-04-01 4:00 am
請問去英國讀書有沒有需要持有BNO 護照?本身持有特區護照。是否持BNO護照可於歐盟任何國家無限期居留?我所指的BNO 護照是沒有居英權的。

回答 (3)

2010-04-01 3:07 pm
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請問去英國讀書有沒有需要持有BNO 護照?本身持有特區護照。是否持BNO護照可於歐盟任何國家無限期居留?

Uses BNO is better than usingHKSAR passport. This is because of 3 reasons.

1.) You can use BNO to apply Student Visa free of charge. You can use your BNO and go thru the border and apply Student Visa in UK, verysimple.

2.) you can work in Civil Sector Full time in UK using your BNO (You can apply to be a police officer, soldier to libarian in UK without settlement right)

3)) If you intent to claim UK citizenship after your study,you only need to have 1 years ILR instead of 5 to register as British Citizens instead of naturalising.

And BNO holder does NOT NEED to register to the UK Police


No, BNO is not EU certified Citizenship, you do not have right to live permanently in EU with BNO passport.
2010-04-02 10:17 pm
2010-04-01 11:49 am
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1) 請問去英國讀書有沒有需要持有BNO 護照?
>> 唔一定的, 而家去英讀讀書, 如果有bno 都係要簽學生visa 既, 而如果你冇bno, 只有hksar 既passport, 都可以去讀書, 都只係簽sutdent visa 同埋去到學校之後, 去附近既police office 報到, 就可以了, 都係問你一d 簡單既問題既...所以有冇bno 都可以去英國讀書.

2) 本身持有特區護照。是否持BNO護照可於歐盟任何國家無限期居留?我所指的BNO 護照是沒有居英權的。
>> 唔係, bno 唔同british citizen, 只可以係英國, 同eu 既國家留6個月既, 而如果想番耐D, 就要整visa了..."

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk留學exp =]

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