holding company

2010-03-31 11:03 pm
如果有一間公司, 佢個shareholder 有3個: 2個人及1間公司. shareholding holding 係:

人A: 30%
人B: 40%
公司C: 30%

咁公司C算唔算係holding company? 又佢係唔係immediate / ulitmate holding company?

回答 (2)

2010-04-01 2:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Holding Company 意思為控股公司,咁你得30%點樣控制間公司?從會計角度睇,控制唔一定以以股權確定,因為C可以係A或者B擁有,而有授權C去處理公司業務決策等,咁亦可視為控制。Intermediate/ultimate holding company 就似乎更加唔符合定義啦!由於問題講得太簡單,唔夠資料深入剖析,所以祇可以咁樣回答,希望見諒!
2010-04-01 1:03 am
(1) Strictly speaking, yes, an immediate holding company. But it is a minority holding. The company is an
associate company but not a susidiary, more than 50% of C.

(2) No. The ultimate holding company means the top holding of the company of
C and not for this company. Moreover, we normally means the subsidiary relationship. For example, if C is held by B by 80% and B is held by D by 80%, more than 50%, and there is no more further holding, D is then the ultimate holding company.

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