急急! 英文自我介紹的面試...20分!

2010-03-31 11:15 am



回答 (3)

2010-03-31 6:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案

After completing Form 5 education, I joined A Company as an administrative
assistant, My job duties included inputing data, organising students'
questionnaire, procurement(buying) of office supply and simple administrative
work. Due to personnel/staff change, my contract was terminated at
end-February. I apply for this job because the job nature is similar to my former
one and I have confidence to handle it well.

( ) is a more simple alternative word.

I think it's better for you to say "I apply for this job because I have experience in
this area/field" as similar job nature is not a strong reason because it will change
over time. You cannot handle the same things foreover.

if you have good computer skills, do talk about it during interview because having
good computer skills is one of the great strengths.

you can watch more English programmes before interview, such as news and
drama. This will make you more familiar with English speaking and learn more
words. Of course you have to study if you want to improve your English.

Do not speak too fast during interview. Speak a bit slowly so that you can "steal"
some time to think what to say next. if you speak too fast, you may make gramma mistakes and say wrong words.

I hope you will get a new job soon.
2010-03-31 11:00 pm


可以了解自己的 感情桃花、愛情狀況、事業、求財金錢

另外還有提供免費的 姓名取名算命分析, 很準



網址: http://www.life-guide.com.tw/item.php

免費的, 推薦你算一下^^
2010-03-31 6:37 pm
After graduated F5, I joined A Company as a Adminstrative Assistant. Job duties included data entry, student survey, office supplies management and simple finance bookkeeping. Due to reorganization, my employment was terminated in February. I apply for this post because the nature of work is similar to my last job and I think I can handle it well.

You seems very sincere and self-confident. Best of luck to you.

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