how would i divide this...4x^2 / -3x^4 ?

2010-03-30 11:49 pm
written out it would read 4x squared divided by negative 3x to the 4th power

thank you! :)

回答 (10)

2010-04-07 4:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
4x^2 / - 3x^4
=4 / - 3x^2
= - 4/3 * x^-2
2016-04-15 3:41 pm
okay so you do order of operations (2-5)= -3 then square it and you get 9 then use order of operations and it would be 9 divided by 3 = 3, x 4 = 12.
2010-04-07 11:48 pm
4x²÷ -3x^4




ANSWER: x²/-3x²
2010-04-07 9:53 pm
=-(4/3) x^-2=
God bless you.
2010-04-07 4:52 pm
- 4 x ²
3 x^4

- 4
3 x ²
2010-04-07 4:10 pm
= [4/(-3)][x^2/(x^4)]
= [-4/3][1/(x^2)]
= -4/(3x^2)
2010-04-07 4:02 pm
4x^2/-3x^4 -4/3x^2
2010-04-07 7:04 am
4x^2 / -3x^4
I think this is the answer

= -4 / 3x^2 ans..
2010-03-31 12:00 am
if you wrote this the long way it would be (4xx)/ (-3xxxx)

cross out what's common on top and below and you end up with -4/3x^2
2010-03-30 11:52 pm
Okay, You can move the (-4/3) out in front and you get

(-4/3) * (x^2/x^4)

To divide exponents you find the difference between them and put it wherever the highest exponent was.
So, x^2/x^4 = 1/x^2.

The answer is


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