
2010-03-31 5:09 am
1.在開始介紹前, 我問大家問一個問題.
2.本公司佔有約50%的市場佔有率. 本公司終旨是為大家提供一流的服務.
3.總括來說, 本公司有一流的服務, 而且價錢合理.

回答 (7)

2010-03-31 7:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.在開始介紹前, 我問大家問一個問題.
1. In the beginning introduction, I ask you a question.

2.本公司佔有約50%的市場佔有率. 本公司終旨是為大家提供一流的服務.
2. The company holds 50% market share. Our final aim is to provide you the best service.

3.總括來說, 本公司有一流的服務, 而且價錢合理.
3. All in all, the company has first-class service and reasonable prices.
參考: --
2010-04-01 5:59 pm

1. In the beginning introduction, I ask you a question.
2. The company holds 50% market share. Our final aim is to provide you the best service.
3. All in all, the company has first-class service and reasonable prices.
參考: BY 公仔麵
2010-03-31 7:18 pm
In the beginning introduction???
Our final aim???
2010-03-31 10:38 am

I would like to ask you guys a question before the introduction.Our company has approximately 50% of the market share, our mission is to provide the best quality service to the customers.In sum, our company has the best service and the pricing is very reasonable.

2010-03-31 10:03 am
(1) I want to ask all of you a question before embarking on the introduction.

(2)This company posses the market weightening of 50% , so the motto of

company is to provide all of you a good service!!!

(3) To have a sum up, this company not only can provides a good

customer service, but also can give a reasonable price to all of you, so

you really can enjoy the good customer service in my company.
參考: my reference..^^
2010-03-31 5:55 am
Before the introduction, I would like to ask a question.
Our company owns about 50% market share, and our motto is to provide first-class services
On the whole, our company offers first class services with reasonable price
2010-03-31 5:13 am
1) Before introducing, i want to ask a question
2) This company owns approximately 50% of the market share. The company is to provide you in sharp first-class service.
3) To conclude, the company has first-class service and reasonable prices

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