請幫幫忙翻譯下面果段文字做英文, 唔該晒!

2010-03-31 4:20 am
"作為一個穆斯林, 豬肉, 血, 腐肉和酒都是不可進食和飲用的. 而所有食用的肉類, 都必須來自由其他穆斯林以阿拉之名屠宰的草食性動物. 另外, 只能使用右手進食和喝飲料."

回答 (3)

2010-03-31 11:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案

As a Muslim, pork, blood, rotten meat and wind are not to be consumed. All meat must be herbivores slaughted in the name of Allah by a professed Muslim. Besides, right hand is used exclusively for eating and drinking.
2010-03-31 5:57 am
As a Muslim, eating pork, blood, rotten meat and wine is not allowed. All of edible meats have to be herbviores which are named under Allah. Also, Muslim can only use their right hand to eat and drink.

自由其他穆斯林 (don't understand at all)
2010-03-31 4:57 am
"作為一個穆斯林, 豬肉, 血, 腐肉和酒都是不可進食和飲用的. 而所有食用的肉類, 都必須來自由其他穆斯林以阿拉之名屠宰的草食性動物. 另外, 只能使用右手進食和喝飲料."

Being a Muslim, pork, blood, rotten meat and wine are not to be eaten nor drunken and all other meat must be from herbivores, slaughtered in the name of Allah by another Muslim. In addition, right hands are used for eating and drinking.

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