Japanese sentence...

2010-03-31 3:00 am
Does this sentence make sense? I don't think so but my Japanese is bad...
をうしてみつけた あんたが いちばん ~

Becauseをcannot be in front of sentence, right?

回答 (1)

2010-04-02 10:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
をうしてみつけた あんたが いちばん ~
This is not a complete sentence, it should have something before”を”、I think it is a part of a script, the usage of を must have object before and verb after,

for example,
I ate an apple.

I think the meaning of this sentence is that
"Great, You have found something"
something or XX をうしてみつけた あんたが いちばん ~

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