
2010-03-31 2:40 am
我要做一個presentetion,係講2mins experience既,請用a joyful experience and a terrible experience黎作

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2010-03-31 6:25 am
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For my example, I will choose a topic first, like..... in Red Cross....

First, I would talk about one of my experience that is joyful, just like below:

I remember that, when the school started, most of the F.1 students like running in the playground, all the way at school, but it is dangous for us to run in a crowed place like school, there are many student there and if you run, you may easily get hurt. Unluckily, one of a F.1 girl falls down when she was playing with her friends in the playground. Her friends help her to go to the sick room immediately and let me to have the first aid with the girl. It was full of blood both on her foot. It did scared me but still, I need to be patient and let the crying girl clam down. After this accident, she thanks me a lot and we become friends too. It is a loving memories.

and for the terrible one...

On the 2nd od Sportsday, one of our red cross member got hurt, I help her without wearing gloves, two days later, the patient need to go to the hospital because of me. I am very sorry about that and feeel nervious about the girl... It is really a terrile experience!!

Sorry, some of my grammer might be wrong... ><

2010-03-30 22:29:57 補充:
but it is dangous for us to run in a crowed place like school---> dangerous

On the 2nd od Sportsday---> of
參考: myself (momo)

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