true or false???

2010-03-31 1:10 am
ca anyone help me to figure out the following sentences are correct or not...urgent...

1. I was encouraged to see that I had made a little progress in my research.

2. Despite the weather was good, we decided to stay at home.

3. Give him a call. He maybe at the office.

4. Last Friday he has told us an unpleasant news: he had crashed his car and hurt his back.

5. Having no relatives and few friends, the man died without being missed.

6. The child fell from a tree and immediately lose consciousness.

7. It is wrong to think that women lack of the ability to succeed at the highest level of science.

8. The director stressed the need for having the best people in the teaching profession.

9. The theory of relativity is difficult for a child to understand.

10. My cousin gave me some very sensible advices on how to prepare for my exam.

回答 (6)

2010-03-31 1:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. I was encouraged to see that I had made a little progress in my research. 這句前後意思不對,前面好鼓舞,但是是為了我個研究有一點兒進展。文法上不能說錯,但假如是想說成「見到有點進展所以很鼓舞,建議:
I was encouraged to see that I had made much progress in my research.

2. Despite the weather was good, we decided to stay at home.
Despite the weaterh was good, we decided to stay home.

3. Give him a call. He maybe at the office.
Give him a call. he may be at the office.
maybe是「有可能」,may be 是「可能 是」中文無法分辨用法。maybe=perhaps

4. Last Friday he has told us an unpleasant news: he had crashed his car and hurt his back.
Last Friday he told us an unpresant news: he had crashed hsi car and hurt his back.
last firday已經是過去時式,所以他說時已是過去told我們。

5. Having no relatives and few friends, the man died without being missed.
沒錯,只有having...few friends是指他沒有很多(只有少數)朋友,而不是說他有幾個朋友(a few friends)。

6. The child fell from a tree and immediately lose consciousness.
The child fell from a tree and immediately lost consciousness.
lost = past tense of lose.

7. It is wrong to think that women lack of the ability to succeed at the highest level of science.
It is wrong to think that women lack the ability to succeed at the highest level of science.

8. The director stressed the need for having the best people in the teaching profession.

9. The theory of relativity is difficult for a child to understand.
The theory of relativity is difficult for children to understand.

10. My cousin gave me some very sensible advices on how to prepare for my exam.
My cousin gave me some very sensible advice on how to prepare for my exam.
2010-03-31 8:10 am

2010-03-31 6:57 am
003 is correct
002 hard but not quite true
stay at home<--at is needed
in the office (not at)
lack ->(v) lack without of (n) is/are (a) lack of
a child or children is ok for both. so still correct. no need change
2010-03-31 5:56 am
1. I was encouraged to see that I had made a little progress in my research. (not sure what you want to say)

2. Despite the weather was good, we decided to stay at home. (correct)

3. Give him a call. He may be in the office.

4. Last Friday he told us an unpleasant news: he had crashed his car and hurt his back.

5. Having no relatives and few friends, the man died without being missed. (correct)

6. The child fell from a tree and immediately lost consciousness.

7. It is wrong to think that women are lack of the ability to succeed at the highest level of science.

8. The director stressed the need for having the best people in the teaching profession. (correct)

9. The theory of relativity is difficult for a child to understand. (correct)

10. My cousin gave me some very sensible advice on how to prepare for my exam.

2010-03-30 22:26:28 補充:
It was encouraging to see that I had made a little progress in my research
2010-03-31 1:28 am
um..i am sorry..i am not asking for translation....
2010-03-31 1:25 am










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