Does candlelight burn less energy than a light bulb?

2010-03-29 6:04 pm
Also, it takes a lot of power to switch on flourescent lights. Shouldn't earth hour state that people should leave flourescents on?

If Candle light pollutes more than a light bulb, then shouldn't we keep lights on?

回答 (6)

2010-03-31 9:31 am
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Actually, I do not know. But at least, joining [Earth Hour] is a good idea.

However, I saw on TV that some people who [join] the event, yes, switch off their light bulbs and other electricity equipment for one hour generously WHILE they ignited their candles instead, emitting unnecessary green house gases. Seemingly, they were not actually joining the event from the bottom of their heart with the mind [I should reduce my carbon emission], but just a common [party] to have fun.

Wake up man! You have waste thousands of candles already, funny huh?
2010-03-29 6:04 pm
out of all the problems in the world... you choose this?
2016-12-01 8:56 am
i've got not had any explode at my abode, yet I observed on the information a report that reported you need to vacate a room and open abode windows if this happens. The mercury interior the bulbs is risky whilst vaporized and you need to circumvent respiratory it in. i've got confidence the report stated staying out of the section for a minimum of 10 minutes and then cleansing the floor section below the place the sunshine exploded. yet do no longer vacuum as that would placed the mercury debris returned into the air.
2010-03-29 6:07 pm
I hold a degree on Physics. but your question is just plain...well ah...insignificant
2010-03-29 6:06 pm
in the states lights on means coal burning plants dropping acid rain and choking the atmosphere with carcinogens, candles burn nothing but a the string and a bit of wax. for hundreds of years people only had candles and there was no environmental threat. Nowadays take a look around you....
2010-03-29 6:06 pm
If you put your candles in the freezer, and then burn them after a while the candle will last longer.
I thought that was a cool thing to know since i buy a lot of candles & it seems like they're gone in no time but since i started freezing them they last alot longer.

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