Do you know someone who always seems to have an "axe to grind"?

2010-03-29 2:19 pm
I do.

Thank You,
Education & Reference > Words & Wordplay

回答 (27)

2010-03-29 10:22 pm
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i do and sadly what can you do some people will never find happiness
2010-03-29 3:45 pm
Had to figure out what you meant by "axe to grind"
I still only assume I know what you are meaning..
My answer is no I don't know anyone.

2010-03-29 6:43 pm
Unfortunately I know a couple of them - One is an older gentleman that is always complaining about something and he angry 80% of the time. Life's to short for that. We all have problems but most of us deal with them and move on.
2010-03-29 6:00 pm
No not really, I am pretty lucky all of my friends are really good people and kind, there does seem one person on Yahoo intent on hurting some people but I do not know them or why I hope soon they will tire of this game they play and get on with living
2010-03-29 3:06 pm
Now I'm really curious what Karamazo knows?

I think on Y/A maybe I have, but in other life, No.

In the face to face world it's easier to avoid the negative, for me at least. Here we are subject or the object to millions. I haven't been attacked too much in this new account but I sure would love to know who had their AXE out when my two year old account got suspended for 3 innocent music questions.
2010-03-29 10:44 pm
Yes I sure do- She seems to thrive on the negative in any situation- She is 81, has never in her life voted, yet complains the most- I told her,she has no right to complain about anyone in office or what they do since she never bothered to vote. Silently I do agree with her on some things, but I hate complaining.--- She walks into the bowling alley with her usual negative & verbally complaining attitude and expects to bowl well.--Complaining about everything from the lanes we are on to the team we are bowling against- She has a negative effect on the entire team- She wonders why no one seems to want to carry on a conversation---- Hello, she is my double cousin & I would love to keep closer touch, but I avoid her because she brings me down, listening to her complaining about any and every thing-- Is there any wonder no one wants to talk --WHEW !!! Have a Blessed Holy Week and Easter Sunday----
參考: Jill
2010-03-29 5:14 pm
I know someone who always seems to have a need to borrow an axe, or a grinder, or a hammer, (seriously? Borrow a freakin' hammer?) or whatever else. I avoid those you're referring to.
2010-03-29 3:48 pm
Yes.But believe me I avoid them!!!
I don't need any one like that in my life..I take care of things in a nice way or walk away..
2010-03-29 3:08 pm
Yep...all the time. The kind that LOOKS for stuff to fight about. MAKES stuff UP in order to start fights. Those kind of people are really unstable.
2010-03-29 2:23 pm
In real life and on Y!A, and we both know her !~!! I've gotten emails warning me about her from 7 separate people !!
2010-03-30 7:45 am
Yes, there's a good man-cub who workum at the Home Depot in the tool department... He have small shop area, various tools, and a grinder... Me thinks he is an 'Axe Sharpening Technician'...
2010-03-30 7:10 am
Oh yes, I do...more than one actually....and they are terribly unhappy people with very few friends. :(
2010-03-30 4:50 am
Yes, a person I use to work with at our Law Firm, if she could not fuss or disagree at least once a day she was miserable..

She is what I always called a misguided and lost soul in this world....really cranky all the time...

I even came out once and told her enough, you either need to get laid or get on some hormones.....she never argued around me again......
2010-03-30 4:38 am
yep. an older fella i work with. At one time, we were cool with each other. Now, for some reason, he has just decided to be that way with me. Lifes too short to hold a grudge like that for so long.
2010-03-30 3:27 am
my used to be best friend, she was always talking down about everyone she could....i think she just wanted to make herself sound better. I don't get it, how does criticizing every little thing make you feel better about yourself?
2010-03-30 3:01 am
Yes, certainly. One of my close friends always has a rather angry outlook on things and is constantly seeking vengeance from those who have wronged him in the past.
2010-03-30 2:22 am
yupp actually most of my friends do. I am constantly doing things for them
參考: my head
2010-03-30 12:12 am
I have an aunt gosh!
2010-03-30 12:08 am
Yes I know a few people like that and I try to show them that not everything in life is easy and encourage them to find something positive in their lives. I've almost given up because you can't help someone who doesn't want to help themselves~
2010-03-29 4:04 pm

Yes, a Woodchopper who chops down hard-wood trees.

Try to avoid the other kind; life is too short to have to listen to them.

Enjoy your day.
參考: I know about these things.
2010-03-29 3:11 pm
My roommate. Biggest drama queen on the planet.
2010-03-29 2:31 pm
ya in real life it is
this question is nice
all the best
2010-03-29 2:28 pm
Several. Constantly tempted to stoop to their level and 'cure' it. I realize I am better than that though. Lucky for them.
2010-03-29 9:07 pm
Yes, she's my mother and I swear she's possessed. Something is seriously wrong with her personality, because she always has something she wants to argue about or something that is causing her to scream and throw crap, or go in the backyard and shoot trees. She needs a whole lot of drugs. Obviously her Buddhism/eclectic crap isn't doing her any good.
2010-03-30 12:26 am
No. I'm afraid I don't know anyone like that.
2010-03-29 7:34 pm
yes i'll grind your axe allllllllllllllll nnnnnniiiiiigggggghhhht looooooooooooooong
2010-03-29 2:32 pm
If you're asking for the meaning of the idiom 'have an ax to grind', perhaps I can lend you a hand

The idiom means

1) to have something to complain about
(eg. Tell your brother that I have an axe to grind with him!)

2) to have a strong opinion about something that influences your actions
(eg. I don't have an ax to grind about the fact that Christmas has become commercialized.)
參考: The free dictionary The best online dictionary I've ever seen

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