小額申訴贏面, 有請法律高手

2010-03-30 5:01 am
我男友架電單車泊左係馬路, 有個清潔女工係執垃圾既時候, 手推車滑左出馬路撞低左我男友架電單車, 已即時報警, 報案紙上已mark 低左受損配件, 由於加裝左日本包圍及加工噴油, 所以已向清潔公司索取$6000, 清潔公司個無良負責人話公司只肯賠$3000,話咩唔係就要個女工賠, 佢當我傻, 我知個女工係under emplyment, 所以係由emplyer 賠, 之後個負責人就冇聽過我電話, 件事就不了了之左一排.

而家我上網睇返大家d case, 覺得件事有得打, 於是想上small claim, 而家我搵哂d 零件既市價, total 萬七, 亦send 左封申索信比間公司, 我想問:

1. 要求清潔公司賠萬七可以嗎?! 我可以將d parts 賣返比佢/佢搵返一樣既parts 比我都得.
2. 架車已經賣左, 我仲有申索權利嗎?(個buyer 就damage壓我價 )
3. 我知賠佢就要賠硬, 但有冇咩情況間公司唔駛賠or 屈到個女工賠? 佢月薪得5xxx, 間公司唔會咁無良呱...
4.small claim 會覺得我獅子開大口而判我輸嗎? 我知佢實壓我, 所以我開高d?!


回答 (4)

2010-03-31 8:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Although peterchan7708 is a high ranking member, and his answers are mostly correct, this time I have to disagree.

In answering your questions:

1. No. See below for further explanation.

2. Yes. And I will explain further.

3. I will explain later.

4. No. The magistrate can in fact lower your claim based on the circumstance of the case.

Here is the problem - you sold the car. So you can't really claim the value ($17,000) to repair your car (as there is no car to fix).

However, you still suffer loss in this case (due to the loss of value from the sale because of the damage). So you can in fact sue in small claim for the loss of value from the sale.

For instance, if your car can be sold in $20,000 but got lowered to $15,000 because of the damage, you can seek damage of that $5,000, not the $17,000 anymore.

Of course, it is a court (although informal). You still need to show evidence and convince the magistrate that you are entitled what you are asking. Otherwise, the magistrate can lower your claim (but not denied as there is actual damage).

In term of the problem with that employee, you can let the magistrate to know that that employer intend to do so. Although it will not help much, but the magistrate can in fact instruct the employer not to retaliate against the employee.

Last but not the least, be reasonable. Don't think it is a money-making opportunity.
2010-04-03 1:15 am
2010-04-02 1:42 pm
2010-03-30 6:10 am

咁多問題, 一個答案:

你同你男友都無權申索. 你說 “…個buyer 就damage壓我價…”, 你大可唔賣, 等完咗呢單申索先賣. 佢壓你價, 你 (你男友) 都應承, 唔等完咗申索先, 無計.

2010-03-29 22:14:02 補充:
而家車主唔係你(你男友) , 你無權申索, 因為法律上你同架車已無任何關係. 佢無責任賠俾你.

2010-03-29 22:17:25 補充:
“…清潔公司個無良負責人話公司只肯賠$3000,話咩唔係就要個女工賠… 個女工係under emplyment, 所以係由emplyer 賠…” 唔好咁天真啦! 個僱主一定會要個女工自己賠, 否則大把藉口炒佢…

2010-03-29 22:22:06 補充:
一手推車滑出馬路, 撞低架電單車, 有幾大力度呀? 駛唔駛賠萬七呀?!? 你自已都話 “獅子開大口” 啦! 得饒人處且饒人…
參考: Veni - Vidi - Vici

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