
2010-03-29 7:58 pm
各位師兄好, 我是一個剛剛想上車的人..有一點小問題想問一下有關置業的事情

我想問一個單位 現在賣298萬, 也打算問銀行借9成, 自付1成首期, 分30年期還

我想問如果在網上的計算機我要月供 10xxx, 但是當日我去地產問 他說我每月只需供9000左右

他說有個叫什麼 "同業拆息" 我是不太懂這名詞是什麼意思, 另外什麼 P-2.5之類我也不明白是什麼

請問有人能解答利息的計算方式 或者公式嗎? 因為地產說用同業拆息的話, 就算銀行加息都有個cap位, 我唔會負擔咁重


另外, 如果我問銀行借左錢買左呢個單位, 都成交了的話, 我能把單位租給別人嗎? 因為我出年6月才入伙, 現在還有15個月阿, 打算租出去租一年(以我所知借9成的話是不能租的..), 不敢肯定再問一下大家

回答 (1)

2010-03-29 11:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
P rate = Prime Rate = 最優惠利率
P-2.5% =最優惠利率減兩厘半
HIBOR rate = Hong Kong Inter-bank Overdraft Rate = 香港銀行同業拆息

P rate is the normal rate used by banks to lend money to customers. It would only be adjusted when the US revises its interest rate.
HIBOR is the rate used by banks to lend money to other banks or financial institution. It would fluctuate on real time basis (every second is not the same).

HIBOR is normally much lower than P-rate offer.
The market could offer HIBOR+0.65% ≈ 0.8%, while the 0.65% is the profit margin of the bank.
P-2.5% = 2.5% >> HIBOR+0.65%

As such, the HIBOR rate could provide a much lower interest rate for mortgage. However, as it could fluctuate unstably (could up to 200% in 1997), the risk of using HIBOR is higher. Somehow, bank would offer a cap on the interest rate, say P-1.5% = 3.5% > P-2.5%. The cap must be higher than the P-rate offer.

Premises price = $2.98million
Downpayment = $298,000
Insurance premium = 3.55%
Total Mortgage Loan = $2.98million x 90% x (1 + 3.55%) = $2,777,211
Loan Tenor = 30yrs
For P-2.5% = 2.5%
Monthly Repayment = $10,932.67, while the total interest expense = $10,932.67 x 360 - $2,777,211 = $1,158,550.48
For HIBOR+0.65%=0.8%
Monthly Repayment = $8,676.11, while the total interest expense = $8,676.11 x 360 - $2,777,211 = $346,188.37
For HIBOR+0.65% at CAP = P-1.5% = 3.5%
Monthly Repayment = $12,385.93, while the total interest expense = $12,385.93 x 360 - $2,777,211 = $1,681,724.34

From the figure, you could find the HIBOR rate offer could reduce the interest expense by approximate 60%. However, if the market climate changes and the HIBOR rate goes up, you may have to take the risk of using the CAP=P-1.5%. Depending on the 罰息期, you could now choose HIBOR rate offer. If the HIBOR goes up, you can then change your plan with P-rate provided by another bank.

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