
2010-03-29 12:25 pm
我今年15歲 依家係england讀緊書,
係外國讀4 years啦...
7月番到HK 想揾份暑期工做下...
i learn english, cantones, chinese and a little bit german( learn german for 3 years)
i play piano and drums as well, having my grade 6 exam soon.
i took art music pe and german for gcse
i want to teach the little children english,
help them to improve their education..
any ideas?

回答 (2)

2010-03-31 5:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1) 講真呢, 好多幼稚園同summer course 既company 都唔會好請你既, 因為都係太小了, 未必可以handle 到咁多學生, 同埋冇咁多experience 既.. 你可以試試係網上搵補習網, 睇下有冇家長想搵你補英文既..."

2) 而呢, 你要show 到俾佢地睇你有考英文既exam, 好似gcse, ielts 等等, 因為你只同佢地講, 你係英國讀書, 佢地未必會知道你既英文既standard 去到邊既.. 所以會冇咁好架..."

3) 學左piano 同drums 呢, 係冇咩用既, 因為呢, 想教music, 係要有grade 8 standard 的, 所以呢.. 可以唔駛include 係你既cv 入面.

4) overall 黎講呢, 個chance 唔係太高啦, 如果想搵教書的話, company 都係prefer 請大學生多一d 既.. suggest 你可以揀其實野去做既, 都係想要d expereince 既, 好似做下office 果一d 都ok 既..

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩問題可以再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk留學exp =]
2010-03-29 12:41 pm
u have good resume. should go apply for summer job in england

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