
2010-03-29 8:37 am

主要目的係想同佢講quit job姐, 但唔係知點同佢開口好
想寫封唔太odd既email俾佢, 以下係我自己作既版本
歡迎修改, 或者加d野, 甚至作篇新既俾我都得

Dear xxx,

Would you mind share some time to talk with me today or tomorrow?
If you are busy, I'll wait for you tonight.
Thank you!!

Best Regard.

回答 (2)

2010-03-30 8:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
"I'll wait for you tonight." 聽落有d 怪怪地.... 不如甘寫:

Dear xxx,

Would you be able to spare 5-10 minutes to meet with me today or tomorrow? I have a personal issue that would like to discuss with you. If you are busy, perhaps we could meet after work hours. Please let me know.

Thank you for your time in advance.

Best regards,
2010-03-29 9:13 pm
Dear Boss

Would you mind to share me some of your time today or tomorrow? No matter when, I can wait.


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