is no healthier than仲有一個唔明高手請入

2010-03-29 6:26 am
Organically grown food is no healthier than other food

There is no measuring the threat of certain cancers if we keep on eating fatty meat.

想問 there is no measuring 點解?

回答 (3)

2010-03-29 6:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
Organically grown food is no healthier than other food

there is no measuring =沒法測度

no better than = 一樣差
no worse than= 一樣好
而不是把它們視為 not better/worse than.
2010-03-29 11:22 pm
There is no measuring the threat of certain cancers if we keep on eating fatty meat.

想問 there is no measuring 點解? =不能/沒可能 計算
After looking up the Longman Dictionary of contempary English (New Edition) For Advanced Learners. I have the following explanations:
It says: there is no (doing something) emphasize that it is not possible to do something. e.g. There is no knowing what this lunatic will do next. = It is impossible to know what this lunatic will do next.

In Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, it says
no + comparatives = (to emphasize) not even a small amount 比( )一點也不會+ comparative adj or adv. (= not + comparative adj or adv)
This book is no more expensive than that one. 這本書並不比那本貴。
It's no worse than the last exercise. 這練習並不比上次的差。
Organically grown food is no healthier than other food
2010-03-29 9:12 am
Organically grown food is no healthier than other food

有機食物並不比較其它食物健康。 (no healthier = not healthier).

There is no measuring the threat of certain cancers if we keep on eating fatty meat.

there is no measuring 解 there is no need to measure (becasue it is factual). 不须量度都會知道。

這個 phrase 的用法和 there is no denying 一樣 (eg. There is no denying cigarette smoking causes health problems).

2010-03-29 01:33:35 補充:
第三句: [有機食物] 應是: [用有機種植的食物]
參考: myself

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