
2010-03-29 4:50 am
我聽有D同學講trip your tooth(可能我聽錯 不過差唔多音)

回答 (3)

2010-03-29 5:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
It's 'to chip one's tooth' - for if you are missing a part of the tooth.

eg. I tripped over a piece of rock, and chipped my front tooth.

If the tooth has completely fallen out, then you can use:

'has fallen out/ fell out'

I tripped over a piece of rock, hit the ground, and my front tooth fell out!

2010-03-28 21:20:42 補充:
'Knocked out' can also be used, or 'broke/ break' to indicate that part of the tooth is missing due to the incident.

Not 'ripping out' - that's something a dentist would do as his/her last resort to get your rotten tooth out!
參考: Yours truely
2010-03-29 1:03 pm
撞甩牙 knocked out a tooth
撞崩牙 chipped a tooth
2010-03-29 5:10 am
A man with a history of mental health problems attacked Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, knocking out two of his teeth and forcing him to be rushed to hospital with a blood-splattered face.

兩個月前意大利總理被人撞甩牙是用 knocking out two teeth.

亦可用 ripping his teeth
rip 動詞,解作:撕,扯,剝
e.g. a prison guard who ripped out his gold teeth causing him permanent injuries

而不是trip your tooth

2010-03-28 21:16:35 補充:
如果你不是聽錯,你的同學可能用trip over (絆倒)來帶出甩牙原因.
He was tripped over by a rock and broken two of his teeth.

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