游刃有餘 in english

2010-03-29 4:30 am
Just wanna know how to translate 游刃有餘 in english ???? many thanks

回答 (5)

2010-03-29 1:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案

He is more than capable of (doing it)
He can do it with ease.
He can do it blindfolded.
He can do it with one hand (or both hands) tied behind his back.

This job is a piece of cake for him.
This job is a no brainer for him.
參考: myself
2010-03-29 5:47 am
游刃有餘應寫作 It is so handy. 或用俗語說作 It's a piece of cake.
參考: common English
2010-03-29 5:37 am
do something standing on your head
2010-03-29 4:48 am
a piece of cake seems not that appropriate, I'm looking for a more professional phrase to express.....Acutally , i even thought of an ace in the sleeve but still not to the point !!!! thanks anyways !!
2010-03-29 4:42 am
just a piece of cake

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