chem: reducing agent (urgent!)

2010-03-28 11:29 pm
i did an experiment on Qoo recently and there is a big error. my teacher said
that there should be another reducing agent in the content of the juice instead of vitamin C only. here are the content given by the label on Qoo, please help me
to find the other reducing agent.

water,sugar, white grape juice, calcium lactate, acidity regulator, flavourings,
vitamin c, vitamin b complex, colour( contain soyabean product)

nutrition information: energy, protein, saturated fat, trans fat, carbohydrates,
calcium, vitamin c, niacin, vitamin B6, folic acid

回答 (2)

2010-03-31 1:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
reducing sugar (i.e. all sugars except sucrose)
such as glucose, fructose etc. (they are very probable to be present in the drink)

please note that they are usually reducing agents in food, and also vitamin C
2010-03-29 2:14 am
What is the oxidizing agent used in the experiment ?

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