
2010-03-28 9:48 pm

回答 (3)

2010-03-30 10:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I played squash a lot before 2001, my right hand developed Golfer's elbow. In one of the major attack in 2002, I had the most annoying pain that constantly affecting me for more then a month. I can not eat, sleep or work! In order to control the pain, I took every kind of pain killer (except morphine), I later develops ulcer. My right arm function was reduced to less then 20% of my left arm, and I can not even open a can of coke! My right arm's strength was less then 40% of normal female right arm strength.

I stop riding my motor cycle, stop playing squash, stop all kind of activities related to myright arm.

Until 2008, my right arm return 80% function of my left arm, and frequently, feeling of rash, numbness will attack my right arm everyday. I continued to use pain medication to control these episode. My right arm will hurt for weeks if I play any racket game, not even badminton.

last year, I undergo stem cell therapy, I had my stem cells isolated and re-inject to the elbow, my golfer's elbow had improved a lot! I am re-riding my motor bike, I can play some light squash with friends, and i think most importantly, I have stop the pain medication! once in a while I still have the numbness feeling (once a week?), but it was a lot more bearable compare to before!
2010-04-01 12:02 am
我自己都係踢波...早幾年同樣好似你咁情況 隻腳落地會無力 好似腳軟咁 仲會好痛 都睇過好多醫生或鐵打 但都一直無乜好轉 只有少少舒緩 後黎我媽介紹個治療俾我去睇 係偏向中醫的療法 專醫長期骨痛 舊患 神經痛等等 睇左好短時間就已經改善曬 到依家都已經差唔多4年 一直都無再翻發過 你都不妨試下 ...
2010-03-29 7:32 pm
郭文亮醫生 (風濕病科專科)

Tel: 2382 6789 (Kowloon City) / 2851 0688 (Central)
因為Dr Kwok好細心詳細問症!

參考: www.cambridge.biz.com.hk - 郭文亮醫生 (風濕病科)

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