1 and 2 sides arugmentive 分別?

2010-03-28 10:09 am
1 side and 2 sides arugmentive 既分別係咩?

請提供 format examples 睇下~


睇完都係唔明..... 咁有咩分別?..... 兩者係咪都要講正反?都要表達自己立場?

回答 (4)

2010-03-28 3:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Both 1-sided argumentative and 2-sided argumentative require you to talk about the pro and con sides.
The main difference is, for one sided-argumentative, you choose either the pro or con side, and you argue for that side only, against the other. For two sided-argumentative, you first argue for one side, say the pro side, against the con side, then you switch role, to argue for the con side against the pro side.
For two sided argumentative, you can play the objective role without taking a position, or you can still take a pro or con position. If you take a position, after you argue for each side, you would play a third party role, to compare the arguments for the two sides (as though these arguments have been presented by two groups of people, not yourself), and then choose your side, to argue for it.

Brief Proforma Examples:
Topic: One sided argumentative is a more effective way to gain support for your idea.

Proforma example 1: for One-sided Argumentative:
1. statement of your choice/decision
2. list and describe pros
3. list and describe cons
4. analyse and compare pros and cons
5. conclusion, and confirmation of your decision

Proforma example 2: for Two-sided Argumentative:
1. Introduction:
There have been valid arguments that One-sided argumentative is a more effective way to gain support for your ideas. At the same time, there are also valid arguments that Two-sided argumentative is more effective.

Part 1:
For those of us who believe one-sided argumentative is more effective, the following is the essence of that view.

[now argue for one-sided in a similar manner as in proforma 1]

Part 2:
For those of us who believe two-sided argumentative is more effective, the following is the essence of that view.

[now argue for two-sided in a similar manner as in proforma 1]

*conclusion section if a position is taken.
Assess the arguments and part 1 and part2 and state your decision.

*** The above is just a simple format for illustration, hope it helps.
參考: myself
2010-03-29 6:41 pm


2010-03-28 8:31 pm
兩者係咪都要講正反?Yes. 都要表達自己立場? Yes.
See my answer below.

One sided argument is that you have your standpoint at one side. You will provide points/ evidences support your agrument without mentioning the disadvantages or your stand-point or the advantages of another side. Based on you supporting ideas, you jump to the conclusion.

For two-sided argument, you also have your stand-point. However, you will make critical analysis of both the for and side, including their advantages and disadvantages. Your conclusion will be based on the comparative advantage of your 'for' idea rather than to criticise the 'against' side absolutely.

Taking outsourcing as an example.


Outsourcing has the following advantages ....

If you do not outsource, you cannot focus on your core strength. Thus you are less efficient and cannot compete in the market successfully.

As a conclusion, outsourcing is a must.


For side
Outsourcing has the following advantages (e.g. making use of existing marketing expertise, economies of scale, less capital investment, ...)

Against side
However, outsourcing has the following disadvantages (e..g lack of complete control, ...). Taking Toyota as an example, ...

The degree of sourcing depends on the industry characteristics, the company profile (you may quote IBM's failure in PC market as an example of excessiive outsourcing).

Conclusion (Assuming you are for)
The adoptiion of soucring largely depend on the ... . Nevertheless, outsourcing generally improves the efficiency and competiveness of a supply chain, though the extent of outsoucing varies from one industry to industry as well as the market characteristics.

Hope this will be helpful to you.
2010-03-28 10:14 am
1 side就最主要講你ge 立場&諗法 (eg: 支持/反對)
2 side就兩邊無論正定反都要講下, 但我個老師就會最好係最尾果段講反你ge立場
參考: during classes

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