阿道夫·希特勒(Adolf Hitler,1889年4月20日-1945年4月30日)奥地利裔德国政治人物,国家社会主义德意志劳工党(纳粹党)党魁,1933年被任命为德国总理;1934年至1945年作为德国元首,为德国极权统治独裁者。第二次世界大战期间,他兼任德国武装力量最高统帅。他被公认为是二战的主要发动者。
1919年,希特勒因军队任务而认识纳粹党在之后不久加入,1921年成为纳粹党党魁。1923年因啤酒馆政变被捕入狱之后,他以泛德意志民族主义、反犹主义、反资本主义及反共主义等宣传手段得到支持。1933年成为德国总理之后,快速的将德国变为一党专政的国家。希特勒极欲建立纳粹霸权于欧洲,为达到目的,他以外交政策主张德国人的生存空间及德国再武装。1939年德国入侵波兰,导致了第二次世界大战的爆发。[2] 在之后的三年里,德国及其他轴心国占领了大部份的欧洲、北非、东亚及太平洋诸岛屿。然而1942年之后,盟军开始反攻,德军渐居劣势。至1945年,盟军已反攻解放遭德军占领的大部分地区。[3]而在战争之中,欧洲犹太人遭受到种族灭绝。1945年4月,红军迫近柏林之时,希特勒与其女友爱娃·布劳恩结婚并在二日内自杀。[4]
Early life and education
Early life
Hillary Diane Rodham[nb 1] was born at Edgewater Hospital in Chicago, Illinois.[1][2] She was raised in a United Methodist family, first in Chicago, and then, from the age of three, in suburban Park Ridge, Illinois.[3] Her father, Hugh Ellsworth Rodham, was a child of Welsh and English immigrants;[4] he managed a successful small business in the textile industry.[5] Her mother, Dorothy Emma Howell, of English, Scottish, French, French Canadian, and Welsh descent,[4] was a homemaker.[6] She has two younger brothers, Hugh and Tony.
Mementos of Hillary Rodham's early life are shown at the William J. Clinton Presidential Center.
As a child, Hillary Rodham was a teacher's favorite at her public schools in Park Ridge.[7][8] She participated in swimming, baseball, and other sports.[7][8] She also earned many awards as a Brownie and Girl Scout.[8] She attended Maine East High School, where she participated in student council, the school newspaper, and was selected for National Honor Society.[1][9] For her senior year, she was redistricted to Maine South High School, where she was a National Merit Finalist and graduated in the top five percent of her class of 1965.[9][10] Her mother wanted her to have an independent, professional career,[6] and her father, otherwise a traditionalist, held the modern notion that his daughter's abilities and opportunities should not be limited by gender.[11]