
2010-03-27 11:46 pm
咁我想問去到讀high school再升u好d,定係係hk讀完中學再去讀u會好d?
因為去讀high school的話我想讀eric hamber
搵來搵去見唔到有學費個part,咁eric hamber要幾錢1年?
但我父母超級反對我出去讀,如果我讀完form 4再去,2年夠唔夠學分讀u?會唔會辛苦左少少?佢話要有第2個語言要修,係唔係咩都得!??
因為我想中三同父母講下我的想法,如果佢地唔俾,我可唔可以同佢講「係香港讀多一年先去」,定係到中六個時先來搞? (會好遲下...)

回答 (3)

2010-03-28 6:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我自己系讀完f0rm 3過左去加拿大既.而加讀緊gr11,系溫哥華既richmond
我覺得系加拿大讀完high school再讀u會易d
eric hamber我吾系幾知.
ubc就知道小小,, 平均分你想入既話...最小80分.
如果你系過尼讀.最好讀完f0rm 3過.
因為你尼到都吾一定即刻讀到regular english class.
你尼到要有個英文考試叫english as a second language.
我睇到平均香港尼個d人都系level 2-3 < 我自己尼加拿大個陣系3.
第2語言.系牙.你想入大學要有一個second language.我自己下年畢業既.

不過.其實都系睇下你去邊到讀;D 因為到到都吾同0,0

2010-04-01 08:39:31 補充:
psychology你系加拿大會同人''jan''得好西利= =
因為好多人都想入psycho戈邊. ubc點會吾apple 留學生@@
我下年no1 u 都系ubc@@
我而加間high shcool幾錢我真系吾知- -不過同其中public school一樣咖炸..
usa 我吾知你洗吾洗考sat @.@ 我都吾知咩泥xd
2010-04-01 6:46 pm
When I came to Canada 40+ yrs ago, there were only 2 Us in HK. I had no
choice. You are much fortunate now that there are numerous Us in HK and,
even China. Yes, I had to study very hard to pass SAT(for Canada), TOEFL(for
USA), A level, and all prerequisites for the admission.

You have to be an immigrant first, then stay here for 3 yrs before you may
apply the citizenship. It is very expensive for a foreign student to come here.
I would say it'll be better off for you to stay in HK. At least it'll be easier for you
to work part time while you're studying in the university/college.

A lot of the Chinese parents cannot see where their children's talents in. Of
course they want the best for their children. Professionals seem to be a very
good choice, if you look at the social status, income, job market, etc. But, we
need to look at the child's ability as well. It is a key factor of what can be

I suggest you to ask youself whether Drama or Psych will be really what you
are good in. What will be the job market? To tell you the truth, not all lawyers
here in Canada make the big bucks. Face the reality. Then have a good talk
with your parents about your future. Don't be afraid to talk sense into your
parents. Show them you are mature and ready to work hard for your destiny.
Nothing comes easy.

Good luck.
2010-04-02 4:52 pm
Study overseas must consider $$$ !!! If you do not have financial support from parents or others, do not think/guess/dream about you could support yourself by doing part time. Strict regulation concerning working ! The chance of finding a job among the local Canadian is least, why give you a chance to work ??
Study hard in hkg la...no money, no talk !!

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