Do you think my face might keep growing?

2010-03-27 3:19 am
I'm 18 turning 19 in a week. I'm 6 foot 2 and weigh 160 pounds. My face is extremely small compared to the rest of my body and I'm very skinny so I'm wondering if there's still a chance my face could keep growing. I had my jaw x rayed when I was 17 and the dentist said my teeth were going out of alignment because my jaw was still growing but I haven't seen any growth since. I'm really lanky so I was thinking that once I start to fill out my face would too but face size is bone not muscle or fat.

回答 (2)

2010-03-27 3:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
I'm so sorry to hear about your case, it's rare to know a person with a head that is disproportionally small. But anyway, just don't pay too much attention on your outside but your inside, probably you wouldn't be so sad like this.
2010-03-27 3:24 am
Trick question, youre actually a bear and bears dont have faces so ha! Caught you red pawed!

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