Can someone proofread it please?

2010-03-27 3:09 am
I've come across a seemingly weird sentence in my 'Chicken Soup' while reading, that is

'Most of my peers would be embarrassed to have their dad HANG around with them'

My question is should we change 'hang round' into 'hanging around' as it means 'WHO hang around with them'

The sentence above seems to omit the 'who', which is the subject of the independent clause '(thieir dad) hang around with them'

Could anyone good at English comment on that?


Okay, even 'dad' is wrong and should be changed into 'dads', I still don't understand why 'hang' is correct, can someone explain more details?

回答 (2)

2010-03-27 3:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
No, we'd better not use "hanging around" here. To have somebody hang around with you means to make somebody spend a lot of time with you. 'Most of my peers would be embarrassed to have their dad HANG around with them' is the same as the following:
1. Most of my peers would be embarrassed if they had/made their dad hang around with them.
2. Most of my peers would be embarrassed if they asked their dad TO hang around with them.
2010-03-27 3:16 am
The only questionable part of the sentence I see is the singular "dad" in reference to the plural "Most" and "Peers". Hang is fine.
參考: MA in English; English Professor

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