i want to have sex but i dont have a place!?

2010-03-27 3:09 am
I am currently 17 and my gf is 15. Her b day is coming up and we have decided to have sex. The problem is there is always someone in her house and vice versa. I am too young to rent a hotel and dont have a car. So can anyone give me any bright suggestions? please its urgent.!

回答 (37)

2010-03-27 3:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
I hope this isn't your GF's first time.
No suggestions but I do feel sorry for your GF
2010-03-27 3:20 am
Obviously telling a person via Yahoo! to not have sex, is not going to stop them if they want to. Plus, they are only 2 years apart. Atleast for where I live, it's considered a crime to have sexual relationships with persons 4 years younger. Anyways, if you and your girlfriend are prepared for all the emotional problems that comes along with having sex... then go for it. If you want it to be special, especially if it's your first time or her first time, then don't do it in the car. Lord Jesus please don't do it in a car, that is the most un-romantic place for it. Maybe after your parents go to bed, you can sneak her into your house. Bang bang. But make sure you're quiet so your parents don't wake up and hear......... noises that would be better left unheard. Don't forget a condom!!
Wrap it before you tap it!
Have fun!
2010-03-27 3:12 am
honestly i dont think thats too good of a bday present for her. im not saying that you shouldnt have sex but im also not saying that you should. think about what might happen if something goes wrong (ie. broken condom) and think about how you would handle that. and if after that you still want to have sex, plan for a time when noones home (its got to happen sooner or later) or save up enough $ for a car,
sorry not great suggestions but thats all i could think of
be careful!
2010-03-27 3:12 am
At The Park, In The Slide Thingy, [=
Paha, but seriously, if yu dont have a placee, then maybe yu should just wait?

Cause Doin The Nasty In A Public Place Is Kinda Weird, &nd Nasty,
Cause Then Yu Gotta Think Of All THe Other People That Probably Did It Their Also; Haha.

Or Maybe Go Into A Public Restroom. Find A Partapotty Thing.
Maybe In A Shed Or Something?

參考: MyMindd<3
2010-03-27 3:12 am
wow...if you are too young to have any of those things and have to ask yahoo answers where they think you should do your gf then you are too young to have sex. Grow up and get a job bc if you start having sex then you better b prepared to support a baby!
2010-03-27 3:21 am
thank you, you just saved my day with that question... and of course are you not to young to have sex.. sex laws are stupid anyway, laws shouldnt control nature... i dont know i would do in the park arent there parks in your near with lonely wooden huts were you can sit in alone?? or in the forrest arent there little wooden towers for the rangers to shoot animals?? there you could do it, in the nature is fun and the cold makes it more romanitic... the other guys who talking about age are just jealous
2010-03-27 3:18 am
if u dont want to answer the question then dont answer it

i would say if you have camping equip. then you can just pitch a tent, dont do it in a shed, that would just suck without a bed, OH SNAP GREAT IDEA, it just popped in, use a friends car, just say that he can drive is somewhere and ul meet him there, and u just want to use it, you wont even drive it, and let your friend keep the keys

and then u get laid
2010-03-27 3:15 am
her b-day is coming up as in... later in december? or next week, dude shes 15, yeah i know your 17 but when is something like that u have to be careful, do the thinking with your top head not the bottom one. if you dont have a place or transportation maybe its a sign to chill for a bit, if it happends it will happend. till then chill
2010-03-27 3:19 am
Why don't go to a public toilet for the disable? There is a big space with no body (of course you have to choose a toilet that is not in a busy shopping mall or on a bustle street).

But, you are 17 and your girlfriend only 15, doing what you plan to do will definitely ruin your and your girlfriend's life. Think twice (even more) before you leap.

If you asked me, I'd suggest not to have sex at this moment for the so-called birthday gift. Just believe me I won't do that if you really love her from the bottom of your heart.
2010-03-27 3:13 am
lol 15. Anyway, drive in movies work great, behind the screen. Or parks at night time. If you live anywhere near Baltimore MD, in Patterson park, there are 2 fantastic places. One is in this abandoned chinese tower that has like 10 stories. I think it was once a resteraunt. Might have to break in though. Also near the pond thing, you can jump off boardwalk onto a little island that is well covered by brush. Only do this at night of course.

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