Proofreading please

2010-03-27 6:32 am
Hi, everyone, I have come across an English sentence that I think that is grammatically incorrect, could anyone help check if my view is correct?

The sentence in question is as follow:
[On the outside you cannot tell anything IS wrong with me]

I am wondering if [is] in the sentence above is necessary, as I think [is] is redundant.

Am I correct?

Thanks in advance.

回答 (3)

2010-03-27 8:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
[On the outside you cannot tell anything IS wrong with me] - the sentence you gave us.

[On the outside, you can't tell that anything is wrong with me] - the sentence that I think it should be.

LOL, sorry but i can't really explain it. But the sentence that you gave us sounds a bit weird. I think by putting a comma after "outside", and putting "that" after "tell", it will make the sentence sounds better.
2010-03-28 8:45 pm
Of course there are grammtical mistakes. However, your sentence is very confusing. Perhaps you should express your idea in Chinese so that someone can thelp you making a correct sentence.
2010-03-27 8:10 pm
The original sentence is correct.
The break down of the sentence structure is:
On the outside
you cannot tell anything
that is wrong with me.
(=there is not anything wrong with me)

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