MG42 vs M1919A6

2010-03-27 6:20 am

如果MG42 vs M1919A6的話




回答 (2)

2010-03-30 11:47 pm
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如果MG42 vs M1919A6的話



MG42 is generally better than M1919A6,interm of what machine gun does best.

MG42 have the highest firing rate in all machinegun and was generally more powerful than comparable allied machinegun.

That being said, MG-42 is quite cumbersome and need a crew of 2 to 3 just to operate it. MG-42 is too heavy it cannot mounted onto a bipod.

US troop love theM1919 as it is lighter and comparable to operate as MG-42, do which gun is better really depends on how you like your machine gun....


Yes, as MG-42 both fire faster and have more power, the need for barrel increased from both factors. On average,MG-42 need to change barrel every 200-300 rounds fire, where M1919 need to change barrel near every thousand fired.
2010-03-29 2:45 am
MG42 vs M1919A6的話,MG42應該會較強,因為MG42系全世界射速最快的單管機槍,強大的火力及大口俓子彈令敵人抬唔起頭反擊,槍管壽命差呢個問題只要有足夠準備就唔系問題啦!

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