
2010-03-27 4:12 am


回答 (4)

2010-03-28 5:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
你好! 講到英文時態Tense , 確實好麻煩!!!

Past Tense--- 通常句子有 Yesterday, ago, last (night/ Monday/...),
this morning, just now 等等等

Furture Tense--- 通常句子有 later, tomorrow, next (Sunday/ ...), soon 等等等

Present Tense--- 通常句子有 always 等等等

Present Perfect Tense--- 通常句子有 yet, already, since, for 等等等

Present Continue Tense--- 通常句子有 now, 後有while or when 等等等

其實都係要睇下句子係講緊D咩, fact 就 present , 小心 to infinitive 等等等, 小心D ^o^ 睇前文後理 & 句子前後都有提示!!!

買本英文文法書睇下 又或者睇多D英文書就識la!!!

In fact, there will be more different kind of tenses , but these are the most common !!!!

我打得好辛若架,Hope I can help U. ^u^
參考: Mine *o*
2016-04-06 7:31 am
2010-03-27 4:37 am
如果問題係用 do, is are等現在式既字眼,咁您就可以知道係用現在式答.
如果問題係用 did, was were等過去式既字眼,咁您就可以知道係用過去式答.
如果問題係用 will, are you going to等將來式的字眼,咁您就可以知道係用將來式答.
參考: me.
2010-03-27 4:17 am
verb and noun

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