賣Netbook 一問(15點)

我在三個月前買了一部Samsung N510 Netbook,用了$5488(有三年保養),成set 賣有沒有可能賣到$4000-4500?有埋原因更好,thanks

回答 (2)

2010-03-29 5:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
你放上YAHOO 拍賣都大機D既...
2010-03-26 10:27 pm
it is difficult for 4500,unless you sell it to your best friend, because you can spend $4500 or little more to buy the same configure with other brand,

you can take you netbook to 2nd hand store, they might give you 1500-2000, and you think how much are they going to sell.... around 4000.

good luck.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 16:30:48
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