會計問題 - 公司名/人名

2010-03-26 8:18 pm
人名 可否是公司名

用自己名加 company, or company ltd ok or not


回答 (2)

2010-03-27 7:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
人名加 company, or company ltd 是可以作公司名. 但選擇有限公司名稱時, 不可以用已經在公司注冊處登記了嘅有限公司名稱: 例如 - 你希望用 "陳小明有限公司", 但已經有人用緊, 咁你就無法注冊.

你同樣可以打去這個電話, 他們能夠免費答你問題.
#3188 0984 劉生
2010-03-27 4:41 am
There is no restriction in using your personal name as the firm's or limited company's name.
The name may not be registrable as a limited company if the name has been used or is similar to an existing company. However, in a non-limited company e.g. sole proprietor, partnership, there is no such limitation. So, you could find a lot of Fat Kee in Business Registration for a firm and no exact name for a limited company.

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