2010-03-26 7:27 pm
Bungee Jump (笨豬跳) is a very exciting sport game. A player of mass 80 kg is tied to his ankle a tough elastic band of natural length 25 m. He jumps down a bridge (assuming starts from a speed of zero), falls for a certain distance and then is pulled to stop by the elastic band. Assume the player moves in a vertical line.

(a) Find the vertical speed of the payer just before the band is taut (扯直). (2 marks)

What is the time required, starting from the speed of zero, for the player to reach the speed in (a)?(2 marks)

When the band extends, it exerts an upward pulling force on the player and eventually brings him to stop momentarily. The braking time is 2.5 s.

Find his change in momentum in the process of extension of the elastic band.

What is the average force acting on the player by the elastic band during the extension?


The player undergoes free fall before the band becomes taut.Take downward as positive
v2 – u2 = 2gs
v2 – 0 = 2 x 10 x 25
v = 22.4 ms-1 (downward)

Alt : s= ut + ½gt2
25 = 0 + ½ x 10 t2
t = 2.24 s

(b) v = u + gt
22.4 = 0 + 10 t
t = 2.24 s

(i) Take downward direction as positive change in momentum = m (v – u)
= 80 ( 0 – 22.4)
= - 1792 kgms-1 (upward)

(ii) F = Δ mv / t = - 1792 / 2.5
= - 716.8 N (upward)
average force = -716.8 - 80 x 10
= - 1516.8 N (upward)

我想問點解要計Δ mv / t之後,仲要把他再減mg??

回答 (1)

2010-03-26 8:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Actually, the equation that you have used is: force = mass x acceleration
where acceleration is (v-u)/t
Here, the [force] is the [net force]. The player was under the action of two forces, its own weight (which acted downward), and the elastic force exerted by the extended band.

Hence, net-force = T - mg, where T is the average force exerted by the elastic band

Putting this into the equation,
T - mg = m[(v-u)/t]
i.e. T = m(v-u)/t + mg

The meaning of the above equation is that part of the force prodiced by the nband was used to balance the weight of the player.

2010-03-26 12:50:22 補充:
Sorry...if taken downward direction as +ve, the equation becomes
T + mg = m(v-u)/t. This gives T = -(mu/t + mg) as v = 0 m/s

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 17:35:40
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