主題: 感冒菌入胃 (中譯英)

2010-03-26 4:02 pm
結果昨天徹底地病倒了, 原來胃痛是因為感冒入胃.
現在的病菌實在太厲害, 以前從未試過發燒頭痛暈又胃痛.
胃酸不是起因, 再吃胃藥也沒有大幫助.

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peace is always beautiful

回答 (4)

2010-03-26 8:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I had a stomachache because of flu bacteria entering my stomach; as a result, I was thoroughly ill yesterday.

I had not got fever, headache, dizziness and stomachache before that. However, the current bacterias are very powerful.

2010-03-26 12:46:22 補充:
Stomach acid is not the cause of such as illness; the medicine has not worked well for my stomachache after taking it.

2010-03-26 12:47:13 補充:
Correction : as ------> an

2010-03-27 22:23:52 補充:
Correction : before that ------> before . Stomach acid is not ..... ; the medicine has not ....
-------> Stomach acid is not the cause of such an illness ; taking more medicine can be of a little help to my stomachache .
2010-03-27 11:47 am
Finally I felt sick completely yesterday, the reason of my upset stomach was because the flu virus had entered into the stomach.

Currently the virus is so serious that it caused me symptoms that I have not experienced previously, e.g. fever, headache, drowsiness, and stomach ache.

Stomach acid is not the cause of this sickness, thus taking more stomach medication would be of no further help.

2010-03-26 10:22 pm


2010-03-26 6:08 pm

結果昨天徹底地病倒了, 原來胃痛是因為感冒入胃.
The results of yesterday's thoroughly sick, and had stomach pains because of flu Abdominal.

現在的病菌實在太厲害, 以前從未試過發燒頭痛暈又胃痛.
Now the virus is too severe, fever, headache, dizzy had never tried and stomach.

胃酸不是起因, 再吃胃藥也沒有大幫助.
Acid is not a cause, eat stomach was also ineffective
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