( 感性的我 )英文是什麼?

2010-03-26 11:38 am
( 感性的我 )
( 相信自己 )
( 堅持自己信念 )
( 堅持與妥協 )
( 擇善而固執 )
( 堅守自己態度 )

回答 (4)

2010-04-04 8:38 pm
(perceptual I)

(believes itself)

(insists oneself faith)

(insists with compromise)

(selects friendly and tenacious)

(perseveres oneself manner)
2010-03-27 3:51 am
(I) sensuous( 感性的我 )
(Believe)( 相信自己 )
(Stick to their faith)( 堅持自己信念 )
(Persistence and compromise)( 堅持與妥協 )
(Good stubborn)( 擇善而固執 )
(Wedded attitude) ( 堅守自己態度 )
2010-03-26 6:39 pm
( 感性的我 ) I'm perceptive, I'm a perceptual being / I'm being perceptual
( 相信自己 ) Believing in myself.
( 堅持自己信念 ) Stand firm on my believes.
( 堅持與妥協 ) Standfast/stand firm or compromise/cooperate,
( 擇善而固執 ) Stand my ground in doing the right thing, being persistent in rightousness,
( 堅守自己態度 ) Insist on my point (of view), hold my stand/position
2010-03-26 6:14 pm
( 感性的我 ) (Emotional)
( 相信自己 ) (Believe)
( 堅持自己信念 ) (Adherence to his convictions)
( 堅持與妥協 ) (Adherence and compromise)
( 擇善而固執 ) (The right thing stubborn)
( 堅守自己態度 ) (Stick to their own attitudes)
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